Showing posts with label animal hospital Dahlonega GA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal hospital Dahlonega GA. Show all posts

Sunday 4 October 2020

Top Tips to Prevent Dog Hair Tangling and Matting


Do you have a long-haired dog at home? It's common for long-haired dogs to get tangles as well as mats on a regular basis, and this situation will need your constant attention, commitment, as well as support. If you think brushing alone will be the best solution, you should think again. Matting and tangling is a problem that can go beyond having just an unkempt pet. Matting and tangling can lead to having parasite or skin problems along the way, so you need to seriously attend to this matter. On the lighter side, it says a lot about the character of the pet owner if the respective pet is often unkempt or has mats and tangles. To prevent further problems from happening, you should follow the quick 
grooming tips below:

You need to brush your pet's hair coat daily for at least 2 to 5 times every single week
You need to have the proper grooming tools as well as know-how to use each one of them

Any sign of skin and/or hair coat problem should be brought to the attention of your animal hospital Dahlonega GA.

Saturday 5 September 2020

Mange in Cattle


Mange, also known as allergic dermatitis, is a condition wherein cattle are infected by nasty parasites called mites. Mites are nasty and pesky parasites that thrive on the skin layers of cattle and other animals. Cattle can acquire mites by having some direct contact with an animal that has been infected by mites. Once the mites “have landed” in a cattle’s skin, it can stay there for approximately two weeks and this is the time when they can wreak havoc by creating an infection.

When cattle are infested by mites, you would notice the cattle have irritation as well as intense itching. 

These reactions by cattle can lead to it having inflammation, raw skin, as well as sores. As time goes by, there can be skin scabs, crusts, as well as exudates. If this infestation is left unchecked and uncontrolled, the mange infestation can eventually bring about skin thickening and have a huge negative impact on the cattle’s quality of life.

Any problems affecting the skin of cattle should be checked out by a veterinary clinic Dahlonega GA.

Wednesday 15 January 2020

Bunny Choke

Did you know that rabbits love to eat their hay throughout the day? Rabbits need to eat throughout the day to keep them healthy and happy. Eating carrots is also good for them as the crunchiness helps naturally keep their teeth sawed down. Sometimes, however, you may find that your rabbit eats too fast and can cough or choke on it. Rabbits often choke more on their food than other animals. Signs of choking may include coughing, heaving or hacking sounds. Your rabbit may also appear to be struggling. Call your vet immediately. Your vet may advise you to use the bunny version of the Heimlich maneuver. The maneuver involves holding your bunny on your arm, securing his head, applying pressure with your other hand to his back, lifting him head level and bringing him down quickly. This movement uses force of gravity to remove the blockage. For more tips, call your animal hospital Dahlonega, GA.