Showing posts with label animal hospital Louisville CO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal hospital Louisville CO. Show all posts

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Ways to Exercise Your Syrian Hamster


Are you looking to buy or adopt a Syrian hamster? Perhaps you already own a hamster and may be wondering how much exercise he requires. Your vet can help you with this. Most hamsters require exercise on a daily basis. You can encourage your Syrian hamster to exercise while in his cage by buying him an exercise wheel. You can also place toys, tunnels and other vet approved items in his cage to encourage him to move around. If you have time, try your hamster in an exercise ball. This will give him the opportunity to explore the world around him from the safety of the exercise ball. Some owners suggest allowing your hamster playtime in the exercise ball or outside of his cage at least three times a week. Try these suggestions to give your vets Louisville, KY a call to learn more.

Thursday 25 March 2021

Submissive Behavior of Exotic Pets

 Submissive Animal Behavior in Exotic Pets

Submission is a natural behavior in the animal kingdom, in which animals accept the dominance of another superior animal. This behavior is common among species that observe social hierarchy, such as dogs, cats, fish, birds, and other animals. Among exotic pets, submissive behavior is also present. Bearded dragons slowly circularly wave one of their arms or puff up. On the other hand, Degus and ferrets expose their bellies, similar to dogs. Some pet degu bites, and if you have one, you may restrain it while lying on its back to show your dominance. Same with an aggressive ferret, make it submissive to you by holding its scruff then flipping it on its back. A submissive guinea pig allows the dominant pig to mount on it. You may be able to see this behavior of your pet in the presence of another animal of the same kind. For concerns about your pet’s behavior, always consult your veterinarian Louisville, CO. 

Thursday 7 January 2021

Tips for Eco-Friendly Pet Care

Most of us would like to do our part to help the earth be a better place to live. Did you know that there are plenty of ways to care for your pet in an environmentally friendly way? Here are a few suggestions:

       Buy in bulk. Not only is this better for your wallet, it’s good for the environment because you’re using up less plastic packaging and lowering your personal carbon emissions by traveling to the store less frequently.

       Purchase eco-friendly pet products. Biodegradable dog poop bags, toys made from recycled materials or hemp, pet food from companies committed to lowering their carbon footprint… the list goes on.

       Adopt, don’t shop. Adopting a pet from a shelter is very eco-friendly because you’re freeing up resources for the next pet in line. And you’re saving a life! 

Click here to set up an appointment for your pet with your veterinarian Louisville, CO.

Tuesday 6 October 2020

Do Turtles And Tortoises Make Good Pets?

Turtles and tortoises are a popular choice for pet lovers. But before you take one home with you, you should be aware of some essential issues about these shelled creatures. Foremost to consider would be their size when they reach adulthood. Sure, they would initially be tiny and adorable, making them all the more appealing, but they won’t stay small for long and would eventually grow to be humongous as they age. A tortoise would hatch from a small egg but could weigh up to 40 pounds and heavier as they grow. Also, turtle and tortoise owners should save up for a tank that could fit an adult turtle or tortoise of that size which could mean spending for something as large as a 75-gallon tank.

If you have any questions and/or concerns about your pet, please feel free to contact your animal hospital Louisville, CO.

Friday 14 June 2019

Dog Park Etiquette

A day at the dog park is always something to look forward to for pet owners and their canine buddies. In order to fully enjoy the adventure, pet owners and their pets must observe proper etiquette at the park. Being on your best behavior is very important to ensure the safety of all. Dog parks are often off-leash environments and being able to run and romp around freely can pose potential safety hazards. Dog fights can occur thus it is always important that pet owners should keep a close eye on their dogs as well as other dogs that their pets are playing with. Be quick to remove your dog from any situation that can possibly turn into a dog fight.

Don’t let your dog stray too far from you. When they’re off their leash, dogs can explore the park to their heart’s content and may be exposed to potential threats that can cause illness or injury. They can also get lost!

Be sure to ask your vet Louisville, CO if your pet’s vaccines are up-to-date before bringing your pet to the dog park.

Monday 10 September 2018

Stressed Birds Are Vulnerable To Illness

Being exposed to stressors can have a negative effect on the health and well-being of pet birds.  A ‘stressor’ creates a situation where birds can suffer from strain or tension, like overcrowding, extreme temperature or humidity (high or low), as well as the presence of potential predators.
Birds can suffer from physical and psychological stress. Physical stress can be triggered by an emergency that warrants a ‘fight or flight’ reaction’ or a continuing stress such as overcrowding inside the enclosure. In a way, stress can be beneficial because it keeps the bird on his toes, allowing him to react more capably to a perceived threat.
The effects of stress on pet birds are often more pronounced when the stressor is overwhelming. Stress is often considered an important predisposing factor to serious illness because it can lower the integrity of the animal’s immune system.
Any change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should be brought to the attention of your veterinarians Louisville, CO.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Sugar glider exercise habits

Sharing your life with a sugar glider means that you will be forever on the lookout for ways to help your pet get the exercise she needs. This is because she is always in need of some additional time moving about, particularly if she spends a lot of her time in her cage.

Your pet is made to move about quite a bit and will likely crave physical activity. She will enjoy the way exercise makes her feel and take a lot of pride in making the most of her time exercising each day. This means she will not only want to move, but that she will also want to have fun while doing so. Offer her toys and activities that will encourage her to get up and going to help with this. For additional information, please contact your local Louisville, CO veterinarians.