Showing posts with label animal hospital Wichita KS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal hospital Wichita KS. Show all posts

Monday 27 February 2023

Rabbit Care Tips


Here are some tips for caring for a pet rabbit:

  • Set up safe indoor housing. Several options for housing rabbits indoors include free-reign in a bunny-proofed room or containment in a puppy pen, bunny condo, or large rabbit cage. If your rabbit is contained, make sure their space is large enough for them to hop around, and they should be let out for at least a few hours a day for exercise. Your rabbit's primary location mustn't be isolated from you and your family.

  • Bunny-proof your home. To create a safe space for your bunny and protect your belongings, you must bunny-proof the area. This includes covering all wires with plastic sleeves or flex tubing, keeping them out of reach, protecting baseboards, and blocking off certain areas that your rabbit might chew.

  • Provide a proper diet. A rabbit's diet should consist of hay, a small number of fresh vegetables, and a limited amount of pellets. Avoid giving your rabbit too many treats or sugary foods.

  • Keep your rabbit's living space clean. Clean your rabbit's living area regularly, including their litter box, to prevent odors and keep your rabbit healthy.

  • Make sure your rabbit gets enough exercise. In addition to letting your rabbit out of their enclosure for a few hours a day, you can also provide them with toys and play areas to encourage exercise.

  • Get your rabbit spayed or neutered. This can help reduce aggressive behavior and prevent certain health problems.

Take your rabbit to the veterinarian regularly. Regular check-ups with a rabbit-savvy veterinarians Wichita, KS can help catch any potential health issues early on.

Does Your Cat’s Outdoor Enclosure Limit Her Access To The House?


Your cat must have easy access to the outside world, but you should make sure that by giving them a space outside of your garden, they must have shelter from the sun, rain, and strong wind. This is one of the things that you should consider when you decide to build a catio or enclosure.

Access to your home is also essential, you must allow her to easily get inside the house whenever she needs it. Of course, you cannot let her outside all the time and you must balance her time in her catio and her space inside your home mostly during night time.  

Here are some of the things that should think about carefully before building an enclosure:

● Good ventilation.

● Easy human access.

● Space for scratching posts and platforms.

● Must have climbing frames and platforms

● Provide a hiding and escape area.

Your animal hospital Wichita KS is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and well-being.

Is My Goat Pregnant or Not?

Taking care of a goat can be a lot like taking care of a dog. They need exercise, food, water, and affection just like any other animal. And when they're pregnant, they need even more of these things, but how can you tell if your goat is pregnant or not?

The first thing you’ll want to look for is a change in behavior. A pregnant goat will often become more affectionate and seek out human contact, much like a dog does. They may also become less active than usual. 

The next thing to look for is a change in weight. A pregnant goat will usually gain around 25 pounds during their pregnancy. If you don’t see any changes in behavior or weight gain, then it’s safe to assume that your goat isn’t pregnant. 

If you think your goat might be pregnant, but it’s still too early to tell, then you should look at the teats of your goat. The teats should be swollen and circular in shape. If they are not, then it’s likely that she isn’t pregnant yet.

And if you have more questions or wish to schedule your goat for a checkup, feel free to call us, your local vet clinic Wichita KS, anytime!

Thursday 19 January 2023

Can Cats Digest Milk ?

As a rule of thumb, it is always best to consult the vet before feeding your cat anything that she has not tried before. This is mostly true for dairy food products such as cheese, bread, milk, etc. Because cats are known to be lactose intolerant, there is a high chance that their digestive system could not tolerate food that is rich in milk or dairy.

If an animal is lactose intolerant, that means its body may not produce enough enzymes that are responsible for digesting milk and dairy. In most cases, when a cat is given milk or other similar products in their diet, the cat may show signs of digestive issues such as an upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, swelling of the tummy area, etc.

Take note that these conditions can be fatal so it is never advisable to feed your cat any type of food without making sure it is safe for your cat.

If you have any concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with an animal hospital Wichita, KS.

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Helping Your Pet Tortoise Prepare For Hibernation

Not every tortoise hibernates throughout the winter, despite popular belief. Tropical species don't hibernate, and you should only think about hibernating other species if you want to have them bred. Hibernating sick or underweight turtles is not advised.

Hermann's, Marginated, Spur-thighed, and Horsfield's tortoises are four kinds of tortoises that often undergo hibernation.

Getting your tortoise ready for hibernation Ensure your pet tortoise is very well, in good health, and of an appropriate weight before allowing it to hibernate. In the months before hibernation, the tortoise should be given fresh herbs and veggies that are rich in vital nutrients. It is also advantageous to add to their meals vitamin D3 and calcium.

A tortoise requires extra calories to accumulate enough fat reserves to keep them alive during hibernation. The tortoise's growth, nutrition, and overall health should be closely watched starting in August During this month that the tortoise’s condition and appetite increase before starting its seasonal drop. It is a great idea to get your tortoise examined by a veterinarian to make sure it is healthy enough to hibernate.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Wichita, KS.

Friday 30 September 2022

Managing Your Horse Joint Health

Arthritis is unfortunately very common in horses, especially in the aging ones. It is a disease where the functions of the joint change for the worse over time. The most common symptoms are joint pain and stiffness. Usually, the symptoms progress slowly over years.

Since horses are active animals where that use their joints on a daily basis for strenuous exercise, joint care is a vital part of their health maintenance. While it is part of aging, there is no cure for this type of illness, so managing it helps keep your horse comfortable.

Arthritis or joint pain causes stiffness, swelling or heat around joints, pain or lameness, and popping noises while your horse moves. If you notice these symptoms, it is best to have your horse checked by your vet. To prevent joint pain,

daily exercise will help keep your horse active and comfortable since being stuck in his stall all day will increase the possibility of acquiring it. To know more, you can contact your local animal hospital Wichita KS.

Tuesday 5 April 2022

Why Horses Become Underweight

Is weight an issue among humans alone? No. Other living beings, like horses, experience issues with their weight as well. The majority of the horses suffer from being overweight, while the other half needs improvement regarding the scale of their body condition.

Your horses need to maintain a good weight scale — not too heavy, not too light — just the right measure. When your horses are underweight, they may have difficulty maintaining a normal body temperature during the cold months. 

Listed below are the common reasons how you can help your horses gain an ideal body weight:

Dental pain - This issue commonly occurs among horses and is a usual culprit of being underweight among them. How can you tell that your horses have dental pain? When you see them chew food on one side of their mouth, when they avoid drinking cold water, and when they spit out food often.

Internal problems - When your horses develop issues in the internal part of their body, such as intestinal parasites or gastric ulcers, their weight might be affected.

Active lifestyle - Some horses burn large amounts of calories because of their activeness in work or athletic encounters. Some horses also have fast metabolism.

If you want to make some adjustments to the daily diet of your horses, consult with your vet for a recommendation. You may also ask for suggestions regarding the activities to be done for weight improvement.

Any concern you may have about the diet of your horse should be brought to the attention of your reputed veterinary clinic Wichita KS.

Will Ball Pythons Make Excellent Pets?


Want to have a new pet? You might want to include in your list the ball python. This animal comes from a family of reptiles. A ball python is a type of reptile that is adapted as a home pet! 

Why? For one, this species is one of the easiest reptiles to care for. Ball pythons can be harmless and submissive when you show them care and handle them carefully.

Aside from these facts, here are the other things you need to know more about them:

Ball pythons are friendly. When you treat them well, they give you the same nice treatment. They do not consider you a threat and therefore let you hold them. 

Your first interaction with these pythons is important. Be sure to do it at steady pacing. You need to develop trust first.

Ball pythons are available in different colors with beautiful skin patterns.

While these reptiles can be submissive to you when they already know you, do not be too complacent. Do not hold them when they are undergoing shedding or when they had their meal. These are the moments when they get mad or fussy when touched or held.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your animal hospital Wichita KS

Monday 10 January 2022

Cat Treats for Pet Ferrets

Since ferrets can be given cat foods, they can have cat treats, too. However, this should not be given frequently. Yes, ferrets and cats are carnivores, but that doesn’t mean they have similar nutritional needs.

Check the ingredients and nutrients meticulously in the cat treats. If they are made of low-quality ingredients and don’t meet the nutritional needs of ferrets, it’s better not to give your ferrets these at all.

If you give them cat treats, make sure they are rich in protein, fats, and some amount of fiber. Don’t give them cat treats that have grains because they can't benefit much from grains.

However, you have other healthy snack options for ferrets. Fruits, vegetables, and eggs can be a good substitute for their treats. One last thing, never overfeed them with cat treats.

Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your animal hospital Wichita KS during your pet’s health and wellness check.

Saturday 4 December 2021

How Do I Feed My Baby Turtles ?


Feeding baby turtles isn’t as hard as you think. You can start by simply sprinkling some baby turtle food pellets that you can easily purchase at the pet store on top of the water or the ground, depending on whether your pet is of the land or aquatic turtle breed. You can also give your baby turtle other food for added nutrients. Just shred the food into tiny bite-sized pieces big enough for your baby turtle to gobble up.

Baby turtle pellets are good enough to feed your pet but additional nutrients from natural food will also be beneficial for your pet’s diet. It is to come up with an environment like that of what your turtle would naturally live in. You can give your pet green leafy vegetables or crickets for added nutrition for them to grow strong and healthily.

Turtles are low-maintenance pets and don’t need much effort to take care of when they are adults. But when turtles are still babies, their diets and nutritional intake should be taken seriously. It is important to determine what species your turtle is to create a diet plan that is specific for them.

Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs during your pet’s health and wellness visits to your animal hospital Wichita KS.

Friday 9 April 2021

Cats and Dogs at Hotels


animal hospital Wichita KS

Do you travel with your cat or dog? It’s becoming pretty popular to travel with dogs and cats and stay overnight in hotels. Dogs often travel more often but cats have been known to travel and stay in hotels with their owners as well. What hotels allow pets? You can find out by calling your favorite hotel ahead of your planned visit. You can also look online at websites that are devoted to the listing dog and cat-friendly hotels. If you’re traveling with your cat or dog it may be a good idea to map out your hotel stays ahead of time so there are no surprises along the way. Your pup or feline may need to be in a carrier or on a leash at check-in. For cats in carriers, make sure you ask to make sure the cat is allowed to come out of the carrier once in the room. Always ask your animal hospital Wichita, KS for copies of pet medical records for traveling.

Tuesday 23 February 2021

Aegean Cats and Water

Do you live a lifestyle around the water? If so and you’re looking for a feline friend to share that with then check out the Aegean Cat. The Aegean loves to be around the water. He actually originated in Greece as one of the first domesticated cats. In fact, archeologists have discovered evidence that shows the Aegean cat’s presence on the island of Cyprus some 10,000 years ago. The Aegean has a lean body with a muscular build, medium feet and round paws. He is an avid fishermen and extremely comfortable around the water. Throughout the history of Greece, the Aegean cat was often found sitting on the docks fishing or begging for fish from the local fishermen. Besides a love for water, the Aegean has a love for people. He is an affectionate cat that gets along with people of all ages. For more details, call your animal hospital Wichita KS.

Thursday 18 February 2021

Keep Your Cat Well-Nourished


animal hospital Wichita KS

If your cat is choosy about their food, she might get malnourished. The same will also happen if the cat does not get a complete and balanced diet. Prevent your cat from getting malnourished; give her the proper nutrition she needs.

These are some recommendations for you to follow:

       Heat the cat food before giving it to your pet. The heat will bring out the aroma to make it more appetizing for your cat.

       Introduce new food to your pet, if needed. Give your cat some time to adjust to the taste and flavor before letting go of the usual meal you serve.

       Check the quality of food that you give to your cat. Be familiar with the ingredients so you’ll know if it is harmful or not. Always give premium food, because cheaper brands are known to contain fillers rather than real meat.

You can ask your animal hospital Wichita, KS for more information regarding your pet’s nutritional needs.

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Identifying Mouth Rot in Painted Turtles


Mouth rot is formally known as Necrotic stomatitis and it can occur when a Painted Turtle’s immune system becomes weak and is unable to regulate the bacteria in the mouth or oral cavity. The bacteria can lead to an infection, which may eventually turn into mouth rot. Mouth rot occurs in the mouth and on the inside edge of the lip area. It appears as inflammation and small hemorrhages or large amounts of mucus or pus. Symptoms may include anorexia, open mouth, lack of tongue flicking, or even a swollen head. If your Painted Turtle has any of these symptoms call your vet right away. In most cases a diagnosis is straightforward based on the physical signs of the infection as described above. Your vet may order blood work, take a culture of the mucus, or even biopsy an infected for additional treatment purposes. Consult with your vets Wichita KS for further information.

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Transmission of Heartworms in Black Sable Ferrets


Ferrets like the Black Sable ferret can be susceptible to heartworms in much the same way as dogs and cats? The disease; however, is more serious for ferrets due to their size. A heartworm is usually a foot-long worm that is capable of invading the heart, lungs and blood vessels of your ferret. The disease can be fatal as it can cause permanent damage to your ferret’s heart and lungs. Unlike dogs and cats, it only takes a single heartworm to cause permanent damage to your ferret’s organs. Heartworm disease is transmitted in ferrets from mosquitoes. Adult female heartworms produce baby worms that circulate in the bloodstream. The mosquito picks up these baby worms when it sucks the blood from the infected ferret. It takes 10 to 14 days for the baby worms to enter the infective stage. Larvae are then deposited when the mosquito bites another ferret. Learn more or call your animal hospital Wichita KS.

Saturday 15 August 2020

Buying a Long-Eared Hedgehog


So you’re thinking about bringing a long-eared hedgehog home as a pet? That’s great. Knowing where to purchase one from can help make the process go a lot smoother. First, talk to your vet to find out if there are any local breeders that you could purchase from. Ask your vet of reputable pet stores in the area. When you find a place to go, you should keep a few things in mind on what to look for in a Long-eared hedgehog. When examining the potential pet, make sure his eyes are free of discharge and that they are bright and alert. The nose should be clean and not runny. The Long-eared hedgehog’s ears should be clean and free of sores. His spine should have no bare spots as this indicates an unhealthy coat. Make sure you watch him walk too. He should waddle but not limp. Need help? Contact your pet clinic Wichita KS.