Showing posts with label animal hospital Winchester NV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal hospital Winchester NV. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 March 2023

How Much Care And Attention Does a Cat Need

Pets all have different levels of sociability and need for maintenance and companionship. Cats tend to be more independent and can entertain themselves for hours if needed, which is why they are preferred by those who are busy with work and other things but want to come home and relax with their pet. But cats still need love and care just like any other animal.

Different kinds of cats can also have different levels of acceptance for interaction with their owners. There are pedigree breeds known to be more interactive than other cats which would suit an owner who is looking for a companion that spends a lot of time with them. But these kinds of owners should also keep in mind that cats who grow used to having constant company could have a difficult time alone when everyone becomes busy.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your animal hospital Winchester, NV.

Tuesday 28 February 2023

Basic Rules Of Bathing A Bird


Do birds take a bath? Do you need to bathe your new feathered friend? Yes, they do. Yes, you need to. But do not worry if you have not done this before. Experts in the field explain that this undertaking should not stress you out because it is only simple. Know, understand, and follow the rules to ensure your pet’s happiness and health. 

Listed below are the basic rules to follow:

  • Use plain water for bathing your cockatiel. You do not need to buy any bird shampoo or soap. Yes, there are these items available in the market, but vets say these are unnecessary. Understand that birds release a special oil their feathers need. Using detergents or shampoos may easily remove this oil, affecting the natural process of birds. 
  • Before bathing the bird, be sure to check the water temperature. It should be comfortable for the cockatiel – do not use extremely cold or hot water to avoid shocking the pet’s system. Understand that birds may also suffer from skin irritations, injuries, or burns. Try room or lukewarm temperature water.

Take your pet to your animal hospital Winchester NV for regular health and dental checks.