Over the course of its lifetime, some hamsters like the Golden hamster may experience seizure activity. If you own a Golden hamster you may want to talk to your vet about the possibility of seizures. Most hamsters will not present abrupt or strong outward symptoms like convulsions or fits. Instead, you may see your hamster tilting his head, walking in circles, having trouble walking, or falling on his back. If this occurs, call your vet right away. In most cases, a hamster may go into seizures of minor convulsions as a result of diabetes, brain injury, brain defects, poisoning, stroke, or even an inner ear infection. The inner ear, especially, is what helps control your hamster’s balance. If the inner ear is infected you will notice your hamster having extreme difficulty walking around. Click here to contact your animal hospital Marion, IA and learn more about possible seizure causes in hamsters like the Golden hamster.