Showing posts with label best vet Anderson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best vet Anderson. Show all posts

Monday 13 January 2020

Which to Adopt: Cat or Dog?

Trying to decide if you want to adopt or purchase a cat or dog? This can be a tough one especially for those of us that love both felines and canines. But which one to pick? If you can have both then why not both? Adopt one and then introduce another into the mix down the road. Need just one? Well, there are actually canine breeds with feline characteristics and felines with canine characteristics so perhaps one of those would be the right one for you. For instance, the Greyhound has a lot of feline traits from its slick and slender body to its cat-like movements. This canine is fast yet quiet, purposeful and graceful. Too large for you? What about the Burmese cat. This canine like cat loves to play fetch and is easy to train for other tasks like retrieving and chasing a ball. Call your reputed vets Anderson, IN for more information. Make an appointment today!