Showing posts with label eye care Marysville WA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eye care Marysville WA. Show all posts

Sunday 26 September 2021

3 Things That Are Bad For Your Eyes


You only get one set of eyes! It's important to take good care of them. There are certain things that are beneficial to your eyes, such as staying active, eating well, and visiting your eye doctor regularly. There are also some things that are detrimental to your eye health.

Here are some of the main ones:


Smoking is horrible for pretty much every organ in your body … including your eyes. It has been associated with many eye problems, such as AMD and cataracts, as well as other health issues that can affect the eyes, such as diabetes.

Eye Strain

Spending a long day at the computer won't cause immediate damage. However, screen time does strain your eyes, and can lead to dry eye and other issues. Make sure your workplace has a proper, ergonomic setup. Taking regular breaks will also help.

Skipping Sunglasses

UV light is extremely damaging to your eyes. Wearing sunglasses any time you are outdoors is a simple and effective way to protect your eyes. Pick a pair that offers 100% UV protection.

Call your Marysville, WA optometry clinic for more information on how to keep your eyes healthy.