Showing posts with label eye doctor Oxnard CA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eye doctor Oxnard CA. Show all posts

Saturday 8 April 2023

What Causes Eye Strain?

Eye strain is a common issue experienced by many people, especially those who use their gadgets often. Aside from this, here are the factors that can risk you eye strain:

  • Too much screen time. Screen time is not only spent by a person in front of the computer. It also includes the time spent by a person on his phone, watching the television, and using other gadgets that emit radiation. 

  • Poor lighting. When the environment is dark, but your gadget is too light, it risks you developing eye strain. This is why you should remember to adjust the brightness of your phones, especially when night comes. 

  • Poor posture. When you improperly position yourself, your back and neck will be affected. At the same time, your eyes will also start to feel tired and strained.

  • Dry eyes. This symptom causes eye strain and discomfort. Thus, skip using your gadgets often when your eyes are starting to dry out. Otherwise, use eye drops to moisturize your eyes while using your devices. 

  • Improper eyewear. Ensure that you’re wearing the proper eyewear to prevent experiencing eye strain. 

It is highly recommended to have regular check-ups with an eye doctor Oxnard, CA to give the most accurate advice concerning eye health.

Artificial Tears: How To Select Eyedrops For Dry Eyes

Artificial tears are generally used for dry eyes. These eyedrops can treat dry eyes that develop as people age due to certain drugs, a medical condition, eye surgery, or environmental factors like smoke or wind.

Artificial tears are eyedrops used to moisturize your eyes' outer surface and lubricate dry eyes. These eyedrops can cure dry eyes caused by age, certain drugs, a medical condition, eye surgery, or external causes, including windy or smoky environments.

Artificial tears can be purchased without a prescription. No one brand treats dry eyes the best in all cases. Before you locate the best brand for you, you should test a few others.

In addition to moisturizing your eyes, some artificial tears encourage eye healing, while others aim to slow down tear evaporation. Thickening agents, which retain the liquid on the surface of your eyes for longer, may also be included in artificial tears.

Artificial tears fall into one of two categories:

·       Eyedrops containing preservatives.

This kind frequently comes in multi-dose bottles and contains substances (preservatives) that prevent germs from growing once the container has been opened. If you have moderate to severe dry eyes, the preservatives may irritate your eyes.

If you have moderate to severe dry eyes, the preservatives may irritate your eyes.

·       Eyedrops without preservatives.

This variety is typically advised if you use artificial tears more than four times daily or have severe to moderate dry eyes because it has fewer ingredients. Eyedrops without preservatives could be sold in single-dose vials.

It is highly recommended to consult your eye doctor Oxnard, CA for the best eye drops that you can use.

Wednesday 22 February 2023

Understanding Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)


People experience several changes in their bodies as they age. This case includes eyesight. Understand that when humans reach 50 years of age, they are more prone to having eye problems. One of these is age-related macular degeneration or AMD. This disease is among the reason for permanent vision loss. 

What exactly is AMD? This condition occurs when your central vision gradually loses sight because of the inability of the macula and the retina to function well. These parts help your central vision see things sharply and in detail. When you start having AMD, you may find it hard to do numerous daily activities, like writing, reading, and driving. 

Experts verify that the AMD symptoms appear gradually and are not evident. You may not feel any pain, and the impacts of vision loss do not immediately show up. What you will simply notice are dark or blurry patches around your central vision.  

Any sign of an eye problem should prompt a visit to your eye care center Oxnard, CA.

The Importance Of Blinking

 Do you know the primary reason why you blink? Is this something you do forcibly? Or something that you cannot control? 

Blinking is one important part of your daily life since it helps support eye health. And the number of blinks you do in a day is essential. Generally, adults blink about 10 to 20 times per minute. And each blink takes around a tenth of a second. 

But what does blinking do that maintains your eyes’ good condition? Understand that a blink spreads a tinny sheet of tears across your eye cornea. What do these small amounts of tears do? Here are some of their benefits:

  • Keep your eyes hydrated to avoid drying out.

  • Brush away tiny particles of dirt or dust that can infect or irritate your eyes and affect your eyesight.

  • Help drain out excess contaminants and tears through your tear ducts.

Any sign of an eye problem should warrant a visit to your eye clinic Oxnard, CA for proper medical attention.

Friday 29 July 2022

Childhood Vision Problems: Signs Parents Can Watch For


Remember that your kids need regular guidance and assistance from you in all aspects of their lives because of their age and maturity. They are not familiar yet with different things and must be taught well. One aspect in their lives that you, as a parent, must pay attention to is their eye health. Some kids do not understand the changes they experience with their vision and therefore fail to tell their parents about them. The result is vision problems going undiagnosed.

It is your duty as a parent to observe your kids and be attentive to their needs. When you notice the following behavioral changes in your kids, you better schedule an appointment with your eye doctor immediately.

  • A habit of covering one eye
  • A habit of tilting their heads sideways
  • Losing their place while reading
  • Difficulty in remembering words they recently read
  • Holding reading materials so close to their eyes
  • Frequent headaches
  • Not wanting to read
  • Short attention span
  • Frequent rubbing and blinking of their eyes

Setting an appointment with your kids’ eye doctor and getting their eyes checked is essential in supporting their eye health. You must not disregard this part of their lives because a good vision can help make their future.

Any sign of an eye problem should warrant a visit to your nearest eye clinic Oxnard, CA for proper medical attention.