Showing posts with label pet clinic Goodyear AZ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet clinic Goodyear AZ. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 January 2021

Picking Out A Dog Bed

Does your canine pal have a comfy bed to look adorable in? Dogs spend up to half of their time sleeping. It's very important for them to be able to sleep comfortably, especially as they grow older. A good bed will cushion Fido's bones and joints. This is particularly important in large breeds and senior dogs. On cold nights, good bedding also provides insulation against chilly floors.

There are some things to keep in mind when choosing a bed. You may want to observe your dog's sleeping patterns before you buy something. If your pup likes to curl up, he may like a beanbag bed or one with raised sides. Dogs that sprawl out would probably prefer a plain square bed. Seniors and large breeds will be most comfortable on orthopedic beds.

Your veterinarian Goodyear, AZ can give you more information about choosing a bed for your furry best friend. Call anytime!

Monday 12 October 2020

Cat Fleas

veterinarian Goodyear AZ

Cats get their share of fleas at any time in their lives. Fleas are very common feline parasites that cause intense itching and skin irritations in hypersensitive cats. Fleas feed on the blood of their hosts. Heavy infestations in kittens and cats with compromised immune system function can cause severe anemia that can be life-threatening. Persistent scratching can eventually lead to breaks in the skin where bacteria can set up an infection. A cat’s body may also be covered with crusts and sores. There may also be hair loss. Tapeworms are also a concern associated with flea infestations as these pesky parasites are known to transmit these intestinal parasites.

Fleas can easily multiply. A female flea can lay eggs anywhere in your home. When the conditions are right the eggs will hatch and develop and eventually look for hosts to feed upon. This vicious cycle will continue unless measures are taken to eliminate fleas and their eggs in your home.

Consult your veterinarian Goodyear, AZ about the best way to protect your pet against fleas and other parasites.