Showing posts with label pet clinic Lewisville TX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet clinic Lewisville TX. Show all posts

Friday 4 June 2021

Reasons Why You Need More Than One Litter Box For Your Cat


If there’s one thing to know about cats, they are not pack animals. They want their space separate from the other members of the cat litter.  When cats feel the need to go to the toilet, they want to do it privately. It is stressful for cats when they have an audience. Thus, they need to have individual litter boxes. They also need an extra litter box.

In some instances, the alpha cat would treat the beta cat aggressively. The bully cat can block the timid cat’s path, including the way to the litter box. If there is only litter in the house, the timid cat will go elsewhere for a toilet. But if there was another litter box in the house, the cat can go there instead. The extra litter box can be placed in another location in the house, preferably on another floor.

Frequent changes in your pet’s potty habits should prompt a call to your animal hospital Lewisville, TX.  Set an appointment here:

Scrub And Clean The Litter Box Properly

Some litter box needs a thorough a cleaning. Thus, you will need supplies such as disposable gloves, a rag or sponge for disinfecting the cat’s litter box, and a dust mask.

The dust mask is important if the person cleaning is pregnant or has low immunity. Wearing gloves will also help to protect the cleaner. It is also important to wash hands before and after cleaning. After cleaning the litter box, you let it out to dry under the sun.

Your daily task includes removing the litter. But if there are two cats or more, you should clean the litter box more than once.

To ensure that the litter box smells good all the time, you may need to replace the litter that you removed. And you can add some baking soda to absorb the smell of the litter.  Use a litter scoop to effectively take out all the litter inside.

 A sudden change in your pet’s elimination habits should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital Lewisville TX.

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Why It’s Important To De-Sex Your Cat

De-sexing refers to the surgical removal of the cat’s physical reproductive organs. For male cats, the procedure is called neutering. For females, the procedure is called spaying. Cats can reproduce easily, so it’s best to remove the reproductive organs early on. 

A female cat is reproductive at six months. If you don't want your pet cat to get pregnant, you should have her spayed when she turns six months old. This is also the perfect time to de-sex her before she acquires hormone-fueled behaviors such as spray marking or wandering.

On the other hand, an intact male cat can get into trouble as he looks for a mate. When he roams the community to search for a female cat in heat, he may get in fights with other dominant cats. If he gets wounded, he might develop abscesses and infections. And in more serious cases, your pet cat might acquire immunodeficiency virus and other health problems. Get your male cat neutered to avoid these problems.

You can ask your professional animal hospital Lewisville TX for advice regarding neutering/ spaying your pet cat.

Monday 25 January 2021

Make Feeding Time Fun For Your Cat


Cats can sometimes be picky with their food. At times, your kitty doesn't like the food given to her, or maybe she does not want to eat at the moment.

Here are some tips on how to feed your cat successfully:

       Extra canned food should be placed in the ref. Doing so prolongs the life of the pet food, as well as avoiding spoilage.

       Dry pet food should be stored in an airtight container to maintain its crispiness

       Always give your cat fresh water, and make these accessible. Cats that are properly hydrated have lower risks of acquiring kidney and urinary bladder problems

       Cat treats contain additional calories. This should be given in moderation so as not to change your pet’s nutritional balance. Think of other ways to reward your cat’s good behavior 

You can ask your Vet Clinic lewisville TX for more information regarding your cat’s nutritional requirements.

Sunday 6 December 2020

Tear Stains in Dogs


Are you one of many dogs owners who are having difficulty getting rid of the tear stains in their pets? The tear stain in dogs can be brought about by the development of red yeast as well as bacteria. This is what gives the tear stain found around the eyes those noticeably red-brown stains that usually come with a musty smell. In order to get rid of the tear stains effectively, you must be able to find out the root cause of the problem. Excess tearing can happen when the extra layer of lashes near the eyes of the dog is creating constant irritation. The tear ducts just beside the eyes can get infected as well, and this can be another root cause of tear stains. It is important for you to wash your dog's face on a regular basis to get rid of those stains. If possible, do this a few times weekly. You can also have your pet checked by a vet Lewisville, TX for proper attention and intervention.

Saturday 5 December 2020

What’s In A Dog’s Eyes?


animal hospital Lewisville, TX

Have you ever been fascinated with your dog's eyes or his vision? The eyes of dogs are designed in such a way that they can discern motion a lot better than humans can. It is quite a popular myth that dogs are pretty much colorblind (or being unable to detect color or distinguish the differences in color, poorly or fully). This is not true, but, indeed, dogs often have myopia or nearsightedness. The eyes of dogs are designed in such a way that they are not able to focus on certain shapes of objects, and this is why they find it difficult to detect objects that are situated 20 feet or more away from them. Moreover, the peripheral vision of dogs is fairly narrow and the case varies depending on two main factors: the type of breed involved as well as the size of the dog's head.

If you have concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior, make an appointment with our animal hospital Lewisville, TX.

Thursday 5 November 2020

The Fastest Dog in the World


Dogs can be pretty fast depending on their breeding. One breed most famous for its speed is the greyhound. In addition, experts have also recognized the Saluki as a fast breed as well. The greyhound is believed to be the world’s second-fastest land animal with peak speeds of around 43 miles per hour over short distances. The saluki along with the Whippet breeds; however, are thought to be the fastest dogs over long distances. The saluki has been recorded at a speed of 42.8 miles an hour. Experts believe that both the saluki and greyhound are able to reach such incredible speeds due to the heavy padding on their feet that absorbs the impact of its body when running. It’s no surprise that the saluki is part of the greyhound family with a similar sleek build. If you’re looking for fast dog then the Greyhound may be for you. Click to learn more or call your vets Lewisville, TX.

Thursday 24 September 2020

Teaching your dog to trust you

You have a dog in your life who needs to be able to understand that teaching her to trust you will take some time. How can you begin this process?

Your little fur ball will likely enjoy spending her time with you and you want to make sure you are able to offer her consistency in her care. This will help her learn that she can count on you. As she is getting to know you better, she will grow to trust you more and more. It will take plenty of time, lots of patience, and some persistent care, but she will eventually understand that all your efforts are designed to help her. This knowledge will not only enhance your relationship, but it will also help her learn to trust you over time. Your certified veterinarians Lewisville TX can offer additional suggestions.

Thursday 23 July 2020

Keeping your home fur-free

You have a furry friend in your life and your home shows it. How can you help keep your living space as fur-free as it can be?

It’s important to understand that your pet shares this space with you and this means that she will be shedding within it. It’s natural for her to do so, which means you will have to find ways to comfortably accept this. Be sure to feed your pet a healthy diet and to take the time to brush her fur regularly to foster a healthy coat. This will help minimize unnecessary shedding. You can also make sure to have some cleaning products on hand that are specifically made for homes with pets in them to remove shed fur in the most effective way you can. For additional information, please contact your local pet clinic Lewisville TX.

Sunday 28 June 2020

Pet sitter basics

You have a furry friend in your life who needs someone to look after her whether you are available to do so or not. What should you know about choosing a pet sitter to find a great option for your little fur ball?

Your pet needs you to understand that there are a lot of ways to meet her needs, but she is a creature of habit and would like to have some familiarity in your absence. Consider potential pet sitters and their ability to consistently give your pet the care she needs, then take the time to determine who you trust the most. This should also be someone your pet is comfortable spending time around to ensure that she will be able to enjoy herself while you are out of town. Your local most recommended veterinary clinic Lewisville TX can offer additional suggestions.

Friday 26 June 2020

Curious cat basics

You have a feline friend in your life who is very eager to explore her surroundings. What should you know about the habits of a curious cat like this in order to help her meet her needs?

Your cat is an intelligent creature who likes to know her surroundings. This helps her to feel at ease within them and allows her to make the most of her time by being aware of what her activity options are. A curious cat will be motivated to get into everything she can, so it’s important to establish firm boundaries. Remember that cats are very agile and they are able to sneak into tight spaces if they are motivated to do so. This will help you to keep her safe, as she might not be aware of what hazards exist within your living space. For additional information, please contact your local veterinarian Lewisville TX.

Monday 1 June 2020

Ideal Temperature for Cats

Do you have an ideal temperature? You know, perhaps 70 degrees in the summer and 75 degrees in the winter? Did know that cats have an ideal or preferred temperature range that makes them most comfortable? Your feline probably dominated the household as the queen so it’s no wonder that she would have an ideal temperature for you to keep the house. What is it? Well, in general, cats like their habitat to be between 75 and 80 degrees F. Sure they can deal with much warmer temperatures, but they don’t really prefer it. In fact, if your home gets warmer than this, please consider having a floor or ceiling fan going to help circulate the air and keep your cat cool. If your cat is acting lethargic then she may be overheating. Please call your vet Lewisville TX right away to find out how to cool your cat quickly and safely.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Where to find pet supplies for your dog

Your dog is an excellent companion and you want to make sure you are able to offer her everything she needs in order to thrive in your care. This will mean seeking out the ideal pet supplies to help her with this.

To find the right pet supplies, you will need to first be aware of what she needs. This will not only mean identifying the items that are required but also figuring out which individual types and brands are ideal for her. You can then take a look at pet stores in your area, larger stores that may have a pet section, or online websites to determine where you can find these items at the best prices. Since your pet will need more than one pet supply item, you may find yourself purchasing certain things from one establishment, and the remainder from another. For additional information, please contact your local pet clinic Lewisville TX.

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Dogs and Allergies

Dogs can get allergies and go through seasonal allergies just like people. Typical allergy seasons run around early spring into summer and late summer into early fall. A dog’s allergies will increase as the allergens in the air increase (i.e. pollen). Your dog may show signs of allergies by sneezing, scratching at his nose, wheezing, scratching at his eyes, or having watery eyes constantly. You should contact your vet and schedule a checkup. Allergies can affect dogs of all ages no matter the breed, age or sex. Most dogs won’t show signs of allergies to around six months of age, although this isn’t true for all dogs. In addition to the usual signs of allergies, your dog may also have digestive issues or vomiting and diarrhea. Always have your veterinarian Lewisville TX check your dog out to find the root of the cause so the right treatment can be prescribed.

Sunday 9 February 2020

Spending time with your canine companion

You have a dog in your life who you love very much and you want to make sure you are able to offer her everything she needs to enjoy her time with you. How can you make the most of your time together?

Your dog needs to be able to count on you to be there with her on a regular basis. This means that you will need to arrange your schedule in a way that allows you to meet her needs and enjoy her company each day. Be sure to take the time to both play with her and relax with her once her other needs have been met. This will help you enjoy a variety of activities with your little fur ball. Try to include her in as many of your activities as you can so she will feel welcome in your home. Your local animal hospital Lewisville, TX can help you better understand your pet. To know more, visit

Saturday 8 February 2020

Choosing a crate for your dog

You have a dog in your life who you love and it’s important to you to make sure you are providing her everything she needs to flourish in your family. What should you look for when choosing a crate for her?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to have a spot she can call her own in order to feel comfortable in your living space. This offers her a place she can retreat to when she needs some solitude and it can help her feel secure. Her crate can be an important place for her, so keep an eye out for her a size that will give her enough space to move around in addition to the amount of visibility she is comfortable with. Consider what items need to go into the crate with her and be sure there is a place for these too. For additional information, please contact your local pet clinic Lewisville TX.