Bolognese breeds are somehow related to Bichon Frise and they share almost similar traits. This dog is gentle and friendly and can easily develop an attachment to its owners. They can also easily adapt to any living environment and love staying indoors. While Bichon Frise also prefers staying indoors, they don't like being alone and prefer your presence most of the time.
dogs are very sociable and love to be around family. Though Bichons tend to be
a lot needier and love to snuggle and play all the time. As for shedding,
Bolognese sheds a little less than Bichons, which makes them preferable for
seniors who are prone to allergies.
you consider having these breeds as pets, keep in mind that they both tend to
get separation anxiety. Thus, they may require you to spend more time together
by playing or having regular walks outside.
a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks
at your pet clinic Burlington, ON.