Showing posts with label pet clinic crown point in. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet clinic crown point in. Show all posts

Thursday 8 April 2021

Find Out If You Are Ready To Care For A Pet Bird


veterinary clinic Crown Point IN

Birds are known to be social and smart creatures. These traits make them good house companions. If you are thinking of getting one, here are some factors to consider:

Birds sometimes live up to 60 years. If you get a pet bird, you should be committed and willing to take care of it for many years.

       The basic needs of a bird are a balanced diet, a safe environment, regular vet visits, and regular stimulation.

       Birds also suffer from health conditions so they need to see the vet regularly

       Birds need regular mental activities so keep them occupied. They are intelligent creatures to they need to exercise their minds

       Birds will start to exhibit unwanted behaviors when they are continuously bored. These bad behaviors should be stopped immediately since they might be difficult to get rid of later on

Make an appointment with your veterinary clinic Crown Point, IN if you have any concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior.

Thursday 10 September 2020

Corn Snakes (Pantherophis guttata) As Pets


You might be surprised to know that not all snakes are hard to manage. In fact, corn snakes are one of those that are quite easy to manage and care for. This is one reason why pet corn snakes are popular with many pet reptile enthusiasts. Not only are pet corn snakes easy to care for, but they are also considered to have a mild temperament which makes them perfect for first-time reptile owners. Corn snakes have a long life: they can reach up to 23 years of age when properly cared for (and with good nutrition) in captivity.
You might be wondering about the size of the right enclosure for such a pet snake. To give you an idea, a 2-feet long pet corn snake can live comfortably inside a 15-gallon tank with a secure, escape-proof cover or lid. Don't forget to enable a temperature gradient inside the tank.

Sudden changes in your pet’s behavior should be brought to the attention of your veterinary clinic Crown Point IN.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Ways to Keep your Dog from Digging up the Yard

Does your dog like to dig? If so then you may have a problem with too many holes in your yard. If this is the case, talk with your vet to find out ways that you can deter your dog from digging up the yard. One way is to provide your dog with his own area to dig in. For instance, dogs tend to love children’s sand boxes. They can dig all they want without messing up the yard. If your dog is digging up your garden place orange peels or other citrus peels in and around the garden to create a smell that will send your dog in the other direction. Your dog may be digging because he’s bored. Provide him with extra toys to play with or chew bones to gnaw at. Ask your pet clinic Crown Point, IN for more ideas and suggestions.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Keeping your Dog Comfortable in the Heat

Hot weather can quickly deplete your dog of all energy. If it’s an overly hot day, make sure you keep your dog indoors in a nice cool place. If you don’t have air conditioning, set up a fan on the floor and aim it towards your dog’s bed or area where your dog likes to nap. This will help keep him cool. Keep your dog’s bed in a cool part of the house such as a basement or on cool linoleum flooring where it’s cooler for your dog to lay down. Make sure you have a couple of water bowls filled with fresh cool water. Offer your dog cool treats such as ice cubes, frozen fruit, or dog safe ice cream to help him stay cool as well. If your dog is overheated, panting heavily, or appears lethargic, contact your vet Crown Point, IN right away.