Showing posts with label pet clinic somerville ma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet clinic somerville ma. Show all posts

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Your Pet Mouse’s Diet

Your mouse has a high metabolism. He will need to eat often but since he is tiny, the portion size will also be tiny. Your mouse’s meals may be just a tablespoon of mouse pellets or seeds daily. Give him fresh greens and hard vegetables for added nutrition and to keep his teeth trim. However, too many fresh vegetables may cause your mouse to suffer from diarrhea so use restraint.  Your mouse could get obese if he eats too much food. Use portion size and ensure your mouse exercises daily by running around outside his enclosure. Always supervise your mouse while he is outside his enclosure. Your mouse is nocturnal but will have awake periods throughout the day. If you feed your mouse his big meal at bedtime, he may sleep a little more at night. This may help you get more sleep too. Learn more from your animal hospital Somerville, MA.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Your Cat’s Ability to Land on Her Feet

Your cat has a righting reflex that gives her the ability to turn around quickly during a fall so that she can land on her feet. Her flexible spine helps her make this maneuver quickly. And the fluid in your cat’s inner ears aids in keeping track of which way is up. However, just because your cat can land on her feet doesn’t mean she won’t be injured in a fall. She could crash to the ground if the fall is short enough that she doesn’t have the time to turn around and land on her feet. If the fall is high she could suffer from internal injuries if she bangs her belly on the ground. Her feet and legs could end up with orthopedic injuries as they act as shock absorbers. It could be disastrous if she bangs her head on the ground. Contact your vet clinic Somerville, MA to learn more click here

Thursday 26 July 2018

Choosing a pocket pet for your family

Your family has been looking into the different pet options that are out there, and everyone seems to agree that a pocket pet would be the ideal option for your household. How can you find the right one for your family to care for?

Your family is unique, so you will need to take the time to determine what you will be able to reasonably handle for care. This will help you narrow down your pocket pet options to those pets that will be able to thrive within your household. You should also talk about the personal preferences of those within your household, as you want everyone to be excited for the new addition’s arrival. Think about what life will be like with each potential pet, and make an educated decision after you’ve done all your research. For additional information, please contact your local Somerville, MA veterinarian.Or visit the given link-