In their natural habitats in the South American Andes
Mountains, chinchillas eat grass, tree barks, and other types of low-growing
plants. Their diet is rich in fiber and calcium which promotes healthy teeth
and bones.
In order to meet their dietary needs as pet, there is
a need to mimic their natural diet. Thus, pet chinchillas thrive with good
quality Timothy hay that should be available at all times. Provide fresh fruit
and veg as treats or snacks, however, do give them in moderation because the
high moisture content of these foods can increase the risk of bloating,
diarrhea, or colic. Complete the diet by feeding a moderate amount of
chinchilla pellets. If available, pelleted forms are better than the mixed
formula because chins are likely to pick out only the tasty parts and leave
other stuff behind which can lead to a poor diet.
Know more about your pet’s dietary needs by consulting
your vet Columbia, MD .