Showing posts with label vet Carolina Forest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet Carolina Forest. Show all posts

Monday 14 October 2019

Treatment And Control Of Pets

A good flea control plan should provide optimum protection to pets against flea infestation throughout the 12 months of the year. Since a good part of the flea life cycle is spent on your pet’s surroundings, treatment should involve both your pets and their immediate environment. Treating only your pet won’t get rid of the problem. Even if the adult fleas on your pet’s body are killed with anti-flea products, reinfection is made possible because of the eggs, larvae, and pupae hiding in the nooks and crevices of your home. Thus, in addition to treating your pet with anti-flea medications, there is a need to get rid of the flea population in your home with frequent and thorough cleaning of your places where your pet spend most of his time in, as well as regular vacuuming of floors and furniture. Thorough vacuuming and cleaning of your pet’s immediate surroundings can help kill and get rid of the developmental stages of fleas (eggs, larvae, and pupae). In heavy infestations, there may be a need to hire a professional pest exterminator to do the job.

Consult with your local veterinarian Carolina Forest, SC regarding an effective and safe anti-flea medication that you can use on your pet.