Showing posts with label vet LaPorte IN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet LaPorte IN. Show all posts

Saturday 13 January 2024

Housing Pet Frogs


Preparing the tank of a frog is one of the most important things you must do before you even bring him home. This way, he will have a place to rest once he arrives home. An appropriate humidity and temperature must be strictly maintained, so know this information first. Depending on the specie of your frog, there is the right type of tank for him. Once you have set up the tank, ensure it is free from any hazardous objects and clean and ready for occupancy. 

Here are other tips you can follow in raising your frog:

  • The tank should be safe for hibernation. Some frogs hibernate; if your frog does, ensure his tank is ready for it. 

  • There should be a source of clean water inside the tank. 

  • Keep contaminants away since a small amount can harm your sensitive frog. 

  • There should be enough lighting in his tank as this will also be the heat source. 

  • Make sure to check the other needs of your frog. Sometimes, there are frog species with special needs.

  • Change the water of your frog's tank regularly so it remains clean for him. 

  • Feed your frog various meals, and don't stick with one. This way, his meal won't be boring. 

  • Ensure that your frog's environment remains consistent and stable throughout. This way, he doesn't have to adjust now and then. Too many sudden changes might also affect his health. 

If you have any concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with an animal hospital LaPorte, IN.

Saturday 25 June 2022

Hedgehogs as Pets

Pygmies are famous African Pet hedgehogs. They are covered with prickly spines all over the body however, there are no quills on the face, belly, and limbs. The spines across the body of hedgehogs are not sharp like the spines of porcupines.

When a hedgehog feels insecure or threatened, it will run at a very high speed before quickly curling up itself. Hedgehog curl up to protect the soft and spineless parts of its body.

Hedgehogs belong to insectivores as they feed on insects in wild. On the contrary, the pet hedgehog eats everything that is made available to them by their owner. Hedgehogs are very sensitive to danger because of their extraordinary olfactory sense. Besides this, hedgehogs also have a distinctive sense of hearing. The combination of these senses makes them aware of upcoming dangers, making them alert. 

Take care of your hedgehog by scheduling regular checkups with an experienced veterinarian LaPorte, IN.