Showing posts with label vet Lexington KY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet Lexington KY. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Irish Terriers Are Daredevils

Irish Terriers have no fear, thus giving them the nickname "Daredevil." These medium-sized and agile pups have tight and wiry red coats, as well as a lot of courage. They are loyal and alert and will surely face anything that harms them and their family.

Indeed, these dogs are among the toughest. However, this personality also comes with disadvantages. Socialization and training should start while they're still young. And luckily, these super intelligent pups can easily learn things. Keep in mind, though, that you need to cope with their intelligence and willfulness.

Making your dog think that the training session is their idea is an effective way. It keeps your dog happy and willing during training; thereby, he can achieve (or even exceed) the goals you set. Keep in mind that they are also naturally reckless and won't think of consequences. Protecting them from their desire is necessary to keep Irish Terriers safe.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your nearest animal care hospital Lexington, KY. 

Snakes And Scorpions As Pets

Perhaps you have a busy schedule or rent an apartment where dogs are not permitted. You can take care of other household pets at home, including fish, guinea pigs, and snakes. 


If you do not have ophidiophobia, which is the fear of snakes, you may choose to have a snake as a household pet. Although they are pretty self-sufficient, you will be required to buy a heating system to keep them cozy, so be sure you have the extra funds for energy costs. Additionally, since snakes are meat eaters, you must feel confident supplying them with some animals for their meals. While some species prefer to eat fish or insects, others prefer to consume rodents.


Consider getting a scorpion if you want something different for a household pet. Although you cannot cuddle scorpions like other animals, they are undoubtedly fascinating to watch. The most common variety of pet scorpions are emperors, which you can see in many pet shops everywhere. They eat mealworms, crickets, and other insects.

Your veterinarian Lexington, KY is a valuable resource regarding your pet’s health and needs.

Friday 24 June 2022

What To Do When Your Rabbit Keeps On Peeing On The Couch


Almost every pet rabbit had perfect habits in the litter box. But then, your rabbit may suddenly hop and pee on your couch. Indeed, such scenarios are a frustration to many rabbit owners. You may respond to this by completely banning your pet from the area where he notoriously pees. You may also use "snappy trainers" to stop him from jumping on the couch. This way, you can establish yourself as the "Top Bunny" on the hierarchy.

It's also best to ensure that it's not a simple case where a rabbit loses his manners. If you notice more accidents outside the litter box, retrain your pet by limiting his space, along with other litter training tips. In addition, spaying/neutering is another great way to calm the hormones of your rabbit, reducing his tendency to mark territories. Knowing facts about spaying/neutering rabbits is undoubtedly essential for many pet parents.

If you have questions and/or concerns about neutering or spaying rabbits, don’t hesitate to ask your veterinarian Lexington, KY

Thursday 12 May 2022

Training Your Puppy To Handle Being Home Alone: Practice Makes Perfect


Generally, you want to spend about 30 - 50 % of your time at home together with your pet practicing self-pacifying habits. 

How much time you practice will depend on your pet’s personality as well as his need for alone time experience.  Be patient and practice his training throughout his puppyhood until such time he can relax comfortably even when you move beyond his view. 

These recommendations should help in reaching your eventual goal of aiding your pet mature into adulthood with the skills needed to stay at home alone even if you are away.  But your pet needs your help to get there. 

It might be difficult to be away from your pet, but think about the good it will bring to him in the long run.  Not being able to spend some time by himself is often the underlying cause of hard-to-fix separation anxiety problems in adult dogs.  These problems can be quite stressful to the animal and his family. 

And so helping your pet puppy have a strong foundation for being alone would make your pet mature into a happy adult pet when you are there with him and a calm pet even if you are away.

Make an appointment with your animal care clinic Lexington, KY if you have any concerns about your pet’s behavior.

Friday 19 February 2021

Plaque And Tartar In Dogs

vet Lexington KY

Plaque, the film of bacteria that builds the surfaces of teeth, is often the start of dental problems. Plaque can cause tooth decay, gum infection, and infections that can cause serious problems to your pet’s liver, kidneys, and heart. Also, a  contribution to tooth decay is calcium deposits that are hardened, also known as tartar, which can build up with time without a regular tooth brushing.

If you notice the things below, your the pet might have issues regarding dental health:

Brown or yellow deposits on the teeth that are not scraped away easily

Halitosis or bad breath that is much worse than normal breath for dogs

There is bleeding in the mouth

Red, inflamed gums

Dental health is very important in pets. It should be a combination of regular tooth brushing and dental checks for professional dental examination and cleaning. Kibble can also scrape off plaque from the tooth surface. Dental treats also serve the purpose but be sure to get one with the VOHC seal on the package.

Any sign of a tooth and/or gum problem should be brought to the attention of your vet Lexington, KY.

Thursday 9 July 2020

Treating Fatty Liver Disease in Parrots

If you own a parrot as a pet, make sure you remember to take him for routine visits with your vet so that his health can be checked regularly. Some parrots have been known to develop different health conditions. One of those is fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease can occur for various birds when large amounts of fat are deposited in the liver. Birds often show symptoms such as the following: loss of appetite, lethargy, depression, distended abdomen, diarrhea, poor feather health, etc. You should call your vet if your bid has any of these symptoms. Your bird may be sick with another type of illness. Your professional vet needs to examine your parrot to make a diagnosis and recommend treatment. Treatment may include placing the bird on a low-fat diet that may consist of pellets along with fresh fruits and vegetables. Consult with your with your animal hospital Lexington KY to learn more.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Administering Pills to Canines likes the Malamute

If your dog needs to take an oral medication in pill form then you may want to talk with your vet about the best way to administer that pill. Some dogs do well with a pill simply placed in the food. They eat without even noticing that the pill has been hidden there. Others, however, tend to get suspicious and avoid the pill or spit it out. If this is your dog then consider hiding the pill in a treat pill pocket. If your dog still eats around it or spits it out you may also want to try covering the pill in peanut butter which not only covers the pill but also helps it slide down the throat smoothly. If these tips still do not work then you may need your vet to show you how to place the pill on the back your dog’s tongue and gently massage the jaw to encourage him to swallow. Contact your animal hospital Lexington KY to learn more.

Monday 16 March 2020

Parrots and Their Curved Bills

vet Lexington, KY

Did you know that parrots have a curved bill or beak? This is not the same as a typical pointed beak that most birds have. Why the difference? The curved bill enables a parrot to climb trees and large shrubs. The parrot actually uses his curved heal to hook into the tree, so to speak, and pull himself up. The hook in the bill gives them a secure hold as they climb. A curved bill also enables parrots to eat their food better. For instance, they can open up seeds and nuts with the curve of their bill. It’s important to remember that parrots have this curved bill especially when you hold them. If the parrot is uncomfortable or even a bit nervous then he may grab hold of you with the curve of his bill and literally hook it into your skin. Talk to your vets Lexington, KY about the best way to hold your parrot.