Showing posts with label vet Marion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet Marion. Show all posts

Friday 21 May 2021

Impacted Fecal Matter May Cause Leopard Geckos To Lose Their Appetite


A pet leopard gecko may refuse to eat for a number of different reasons.  Many of them can be fixed with proper care or going to your vet.  There are some, however, that are more challenging to face.

Should your pet leopard gecko stop pooping recently, it could be impacted with feces.  This impaction may be because of a recently ingested big or particularly hard meal that your pet ate, like super worms maybe, or perhaps even from the material used as bedding swallowed accidentally.  A urate plug could also be the reason for a fecal block.  If your pet is having problems like these, try a twice-daily soak in warm water.  keep the water deep enough that it covers the animal’s hips.  While the gecko is soaking, you should then massage the belly gently.  If this still does not aid your pet in pooping properly, then go and bring your gecko over to the veterinarian.  The vet might need to perform an enema on your pet or they may find intestinal parasites, or perhaps there could be other medical reasons.

 A sudden change in your pet's elimination habits should be brought to the attention of your vet Marion, IA area.