Showing posts with label vet clinic Bellevue WA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic Bellevue WA. Show all posts

Friday 17 March 2023

Signs Of Sickness In Cats

Cats are quite mysterious little pets. One area where this can backfire is when it comes to showing signs of illness. Kitties tend to try to hide signs of sickness. This is a leftover instinct from the wild, where predators often single out animals that are visibly weak or sick.  It’s important to keep an eye out for potential signs that something is wrong with your feline friend.

Here are a few of the ones you would want to look for: 

  • Hiding
  • Poor Grooming
  • Lethargy
  • Withdrawal
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased Thirst
  • Fever
  • Change In Appetite
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Discolored Gums
  • Trouble Urinating
  • Avoiding Litterbox
  • Changes In Behavior
  • Fever
  • Discharge From The Eyes, Nose, Or Mouth
  • Swelling
  • Skin Problems
  • Unusual Vocalizations
  • Crankiness

Be sure to bring your feline buddy to your vet clinic Bellevue WA  right away if you notice anything amiss. Your pet could be very sick before you notice anything wrong!

Why Is My Dog Being A Loner ?


Dogs are naturally social, playful companions that seem to have boundless energy, especially when they're young. So when your dog prefers to be alone, it's hard not to suspect that something's wrong.

While there are many reasons why a dog might prefer solitude over human companionship, they aren't all signs of serious illness or disease. Here are some common reasons why dogs prefer to be alone:

  • They're shy or scared. Some dogs don't like being around new people or other dogs right away. 
  • They're old and frail. Older dogs may not have the strength or stamina they once had, so they prefer to rest alone rather than play with younger dogs.
  • They're not feeling well. If your dog has a cold or other illness, he may want to stay in bed until he feels better. 
  • They have an injury. A dog with a broken bone or injured joint may not be able to run around and play as much as usual, so they prefer to rest by themselves.
  • They're stressed out. A new baby or pet in the house can cause stress for any dog, even if they’re usually social and outgoing.
If you have more questions or wish to schedule Fido for a checkup, please feel free to call us, your local vet clinic Bellevue, WA anytime!

Thursday 16 March 2023

Is It Unhealthy for Dogs to Be Overweight ?

If you're a dog owner, you've probably wondered if it's unhealthy for dogs to be overweight.

The answer is yes.

Obesity in dogs is a serious problem and can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. It can also cause pain and discomfort for your pet, which means that you'll need to treat them for other conditions before they can lose weight.

So how do you know if your dog is overweight? The easiest way is by looking at them and their behavior - 

  • A layer of fat over their ribs and 
  • Carrying extra weight around their belly or backside  
  • Swelling or puffiness around the face or joints may indicate a joint problem related to their weight gain
  • Loss of muscle mass (as opposed to fat)
  • A deep jowl line
  • A pot belly
  • Circling before sitting down (this indicates that they have trouble breathing), or panting while sleeping or resting
  • Rapid breathing, especially after exercise

If you notice any of these symptoms, then we recommend getting Fido into treatment as soon as possible so he can live a longer, happier life!

And if you have more questions or need help putting together an exercise/diet regimen for your pooch, please don't hesitate to call us, your local vet clinic Bellevue WA anytime!

Saturday 14 May 2022

Hairless Cat Care

Do you remember that episode of Friends when Rachel adopted a hairless cat? For many people, this may have been the first time they realized that not all of our feline friends are wearing fur. It was a bit of bad PR, though, as the kitty Rachel adopted turned out to be pretty mean. With most bald kitties, the opposite is true. Hairless cats tend to be extremely lovable and cuddly, and get super attached to their humans. In fact, they are so sociable that they often get depressed if left alone. 

For the most part, these guys are just like any other cat. They need good food, fresh water, and clean litterboxes, as well as proper veterinary care and, of course, great TLC. They do tend to get chilly, so they need warm beds and sweaters when it's cold out. They also make wonderful pets! 

Be sure to contact your pet clinic Bellevue, WA for more tips on caring for a hairless cat. Click here to know more.

Thursday 11 November 2021

Tips To Achieve Success In Puppy Housetraining

When you get yourself a new puppy, one of the big responsibilities that pet owners must undertake is housetraining. Housetraining is important for pups to learn early on in their life to be disciplined enough to know what areas of your house they are allowed to eliminate their waste in. Below are ways for you to successfully housetrain your pup:

Refrain from deviating from the planned out feeding schedule as this is a way to get your pups used to getting into the routine of feeding.

Provide your pet with the best of what you can afford, quality dog food, and an age-appropriate diet.

There must be an assigned spot in your yard for your pup to eliminate waste. Your puppy must be brought out to the area and given time, preferably about 3 minutes, to do what your puppy needs to do. Do not forget to praise and give your pup a congratulatory treat after successfully eliminating his waste in your yard. After the short time outside, bring your puppy back in and watch over him in case he exhibits signs of wanting to have to eliminate more of his waste. These steps must be repeated after an hour.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your animal hospital Bellevue, WA

Remain Calm When Your Dog’s Nail Is Bleeding


When you happen to trim your dog's nail extremely short, you must try to calm down. Trimming the sensitive quick found in the nail is not fatal, but it's a painful experience for your dog. The quick is the vascular part of the dog's nail and will bleed profusely when cut.

Staying calm allows you to act fast in the situation. It will significantly reduce the stress that you and your dog will experience. Dogs are very perceptive creatures. They can sense when you feel stressed or anxious, so in turn, they'll feel the same way. If you panic, your dog could also panic, which isn't good for your carpet, furniture, and other upholstery.

The experience could break their trust in you to trim their nails, so you need to remain calm and contain the situation as soon as possible.

Your veterinarian Bellevue, WA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs. Click here.