Showing posts with label vet clinic Bend OR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic Bend OR. Show all posts

Thursday 10 June 2021

Bath Time For Dogs Like the Bichon

If you’ve ever owned a Bichon then you probably known that these pups love to play outdoors and with their usually white coats they often bring the outdoors back inside with them. If it’s your first time bathing your Bichon on your own then you may want to keep in mind the following tips. First, introduce your pup to the bathing area before a bath is even needed so he won’t be afraid when it is bath time. If you’re bathing in a tub, consider placing a rubber mat down to keep your Bichon from slipping. Start by applying warm water slowly over your Bichon. Then apply a vet approved shampoo. Gently rub your hands all over your Bichon building a lather. Try to avoid the eyes and ears. Rinse your pup until the water dropping from the fur runs clear. Dry your Bichon thoroughly in a draft-free area. For more suggestions, call your vet clinic Bend OR.

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Harnesses Are Effective In Preventing Tangles

Very active dogs can experience tangles if they are wearing a leash. Even the human parent will have a difficult time putting on a leash if the dog is wriggling. Dogs that like to move around may find themselves getting tangled in their leash. Whereas, if the dog is wearing a harness, there is a lower chance that it will get tangled.

Putting a harness on the dog will be an effective way of training the dog. The human can better control the dog when he has a harness on. It is also important that the use of a harness should always be a pleasant experience. Your dog will not avoid the harness if he associates it with something fun. 

Owners who use a leash on their dogs can attest how difficult it can be to put it on. On the other hand, it is easier to attach a harness to a dog since it is placed on the back. 

Your vet clinic Bend OR is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Friday 25 December 2020

Amazing Facts About Cats


Cats are adorable but independent, and this makes perfect pets for people who are not able to meet the demands of other types of pets. Check out our list of interesting facts about cats: 

● The ridges of nose pads of every cat have a unique pattern which is similar to how human's fingerprints work

● A cat's tongue, much like its bigger cousins, have tiny spike-like projections, also known as papillae, that are pointing inwards; these are not only helpful for grooming but also responsible for them being able to hold their prey intact.

● Cats do not have sweat glands.

● A litter of kittens is called 'kindle' while a group of adult cats is 'clowder'.

● Cats are capable of jumping as high as 7 times their height.

● Cats can make more than 100 types of vocalizations.

● Cat's front paws consist of 5 toes while their hind paws only have 4.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Bend, OR. Schedule an appointment today!

Saturday 13 June 2020

Guinea Pigs and Ticks

Did you know that guinea pigs can get ticks like cats, dogs and other pets? They are more susceptible to ticks if you have other pets in the home or if you allow your guinea pig to have time outdoors roaming in the grass. Typically, ticks do not go after guinea pigs or seek them out. However, if the guinea pig is in the grass then he could pick up a tick. If a tick is on a dog or cat in your home then it could easily transfer to the guinea pig’s cage or the guinea pig itself. Ticks are outdoors via dogs, cats, birds and other animals. Be sure to always look over your guinea pig once he comes inside from having time outdoors or if you find a tick on another animal in the home. Remove the tick slowly and carefully ensuring that it completely comes out. Give your vet clinic Bend OR a call for assistance.

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Why Is My Cat Not Eating ?

If your cat is not eating and has not been eating for at least a day or two, please call your vet right away. There’s not much to worry about if your cat skips a meal now and again especially if your cat is a mouser and generally enjoys a mouse or other small creature for a snack. However, cats that skip multiple meals in a row usually do so because they are sick, they are in pain, or they are having trouble with their teeth or gums. Some cats will even skip meals if they are bored with their food or are insisting for a particular food. You can switch out your cat’s food to see if that helps. You may also want to try serving a soft food in case the problem is teeth or gum related. If this still doesn’t work then your veterinarian Bend OR may need to examine your cat.

Friday 17 April 2020

Why Degus Suddenly Become Motionless And Other Distinct Behaviors

When there is a perceived threat, degus don’t have a ‘fight or flight’ reaction. They respond by keeping themselves motionless in an attempt to blend into the surroundings to avoid bringing attention to themselves. If you find your degu motionless, bring him back to his enclosure and find out what triggered his behavior.

Degus engage in urine marking to claim their territory. Don’t be surprised if your pet degu pees on his bowls, toys, dust bath, and other item that he claims possession of. If you have several degus, it’s usually the dominant one that is more likely to urinate on what other degus have marked with their pee to show his dominance.

Degus are diurnal, so the are most active at night until the early hours of the morning. They spend most of the day sleeping, waking up only to eat, drink, or eliminate.

Sudden changes in your pet’s health should warrant an appointment with your veterinary clinic Bend, OR.

Sunday 22 March 2020

Weight Gain Myth in Cats

vet clinic Bend OR
Weight gain is something both people and animals face especially when there’s not a lot of thought put into meal portions or the need for exercise. This is definitely true with cats. If you feed your cat too much regular food, treats, and in-between snacks without watching out for amounts given then your cat can easily gain weight. If the scale is going up for your cat, please talk to your vet about a diet change, exercise changes, etc. What can’t make your cat gain weight, however, is being spayed or neutered. Contrary to a popular belief or myth is that getting your cat ‘fixed’ can cause a lot of weight gain for your cat, which is why some decide not to have their cats fixed. This simply isn’t true. Your vet hospital Bend, OR can tell you that it’s food and lack of exercise that causes most obesity problems in cats.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Cats and Window Seats

vet clinic Bend, OR

Does your cat enjoy sitting on the window sill and watching the world go by? Perhaps she likes to watch the birds at the bird feeder? If you don’t have a window sill big enough for your cat or perhaps your windows are too high for your cat then you may want to consider a window seat. Yes, there are seats for cats that connect to existing window sills or suction to windows to provide your cat with a nice, comfortable place to perch while watching the outside world. The window seats are actually cat beds. You can hang them to the window with suction cups creating the perfect place for cat lounging. Hanging rods are also available to attach it directly to the window sill. You can find these neat contraptions at some pet stores and in many different online stores. Click to learn more from your vet clinic Bend, OR.