Showing posts with label vet clinic Brampton ON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic Brampton ON. Show all posts

Saturday 4 February 2023

Dental Care Tips For Dogs And Cats

Teeth brushing is necessary for your pet's dental care. However, many dogs still do not like the feeling of brushing. Luckily, there are other products that you can use to maintain your pet's teeth still. Gels, dental wipes, water supplements, and chews are just some of these products. However, consult your vet about the idea before trying anything on your pet. 

There is also an accredited council, The Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC), that is responsible for giving clearance to dental products that are safe for pets. Ensure that the product you will be using for your pet has the seal of approval of the VOHC. 

Daily brushing and using dental products do not permanently remove all the food remnants in your pet's mouth. Dental cleanings from a vet are also recommended for your pet. This procedure will thoroughly clean your pet's mouth to prevent the building of bacteria. The perfect age to start your pet with this procedure is when your pet turns one year old. 

A good home dental regimen and regular dental checks at a vet clinic Brampton, ON can help protect your pet against tooth and gum problems.

Friday 3 February 2023

Preparing Your Cat For Visits To The Veterinarian

One of your responsibilities as a cat owner is to schedule regular check-ups with the veterinarian to confirm that your pet is healthy and happy. It may be a struggle to take her on the trip, but it is necessary. 

The first thing to figure out is how often you should be going for a visit. As your kitten grows older, the number of times she’ll have to get a check-up would most likely decrease. But you should still check with your veterinarian and ask for their recommendation on what would best suit your cat’s needs. You can maximize your time at the animal hospital by preparing any questions you might have before every appointment. It would help ensure that you don’t miss out on anything if you have a list of concerns or inquiries to refer to during the limited time allotted. 

Take your pet to your local vet clinic Brampton, ON for regular health and dental checks.


Thursday 20 May 2021

Fatty Liver Disease in Small Canines Like the Shih Tzu


vet clinic Brampton ON

Did you know that fatty liver disease can be a common health condition in cats? It can also occur in various canine breeds including small, toy breeds like the Shih Tzu. It’s a good idea to talk to your vet about this health condition and whether or not it could affect your canine. The disease typically occurs as a result of other health issues that may cause the dog to stop eating, which can also cause rapid weight loss. When this happens, the body kicks into survival mode and excessive amounts of fat are sent to the liver to be broken down into energy. The Shih Tzu’s liver; however, is not made to handle such large amounts of fat and often stops working altogether. The liver will most likely swell up and discontinue other functions such as processing red blood cells. Click here for further information or give your vet clinic Brampton, ON a call. 

Saturday 20 March 2021

How Many Litter Boxes Does My Cat Need?

vet clinic Brampton, ON

The common advice is that you procure at the very least one kitty litter box for each cat in your household.  But if your home has two or more levels, then perhaps it would be best to have a cat litter box for each floor or level.  If your cat is elderly, it is also beneficial to have several litter boxes because it may be challenging for your pet to reach that one box.  Having a cat litter box close by, then she can do her business there instead.  In households with multiple pet cats, the one-box-to-one-cat ratio is recommended, with one extra box for safety.  If you see your pet cat pooping or peeing outside her litter box, then it might be her way of telling you that there are not enough kitty litter boxes around.  Should this happen, try adding one more box and observe if her behavior changes.

A sudden change in your pet’s elimination habits should prompt a visit to your vet clinic Brampton, ON. 

Tuesday 5 January 2021

Birman Cats and Heartworms


Whether you own a Birman cat or another breed feline, it’s important that you schedule annual wellness exams for your cat that includes a test for heartworm disease. Heartworm disease is a serious disease that can be fatal if not treated properly. The disease itself is caused by a foot-long worm or heartworm that can invade the heart, lungs, and blood vessels of your cat. Unlike dogs, your Birman may only have one to three worms present in her body. If cats do have heartworms they are most likely to have no adult worms. However, the worms can still cause damage to your cat’s health by causing heartworm associated respiratory disease also known as HARD. Medication used to treat heartworms in dogs is not effective in cats. Because of this, prevention is the only method of protecting your Birman and keeping her healthy. Talk to your vet Brampton, ON about heartworm testing, prevention, and treatment. 

Thursday 19 March 2020

Where your cat wants to nap

animal hospital Brampton, ON

Your cat loves being able to rest and relax in your home, but she will likely have some areas that she enjoys doing this in more than others. Where is she likely to spend her time when she wants to take a nap?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to feel both safe and secure in order to rest peacefully. This means taking the time to think about what you can do to help make her feel at ease in your home. She will need a bed of her very own so she has an area that is always available to her and she will also need to be able to rest without interruption, so be sure to keep other family members away from this space when she is using it. Your local animal hospital Brampton, ON can help you better understand your pet.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Fun Backyard Activities for Dogs

Your dog would love to go for a walk, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only thing your dog will think is fun. There are plenty of things you can do in the backyard too! Here are a few activities that are perfect for your pooch.

Any activity that will get your dog active is always a good idea. Fetch is a great game to play in the backyard, as is tug-of-war. Many dogs can learn how to play tag relatively quickly. Other dogs can even learn how to play hide and seek.

If it’s hot outside, consider plugging in the sprinkler or filling a kiddie pool with water. Both you and your canine companion will love cooling off in the water!

Discover more backyard activities you can do with your dog by planning a visit with your veterinary clinic Brampton, ON.