Showing posts with label vet clinic Columbia MD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic Columbia MD. Show all posts

Saturday 9 October 2021

Can Chocolate Kill Dogs ?

Some dogs, especially big ones, can consume chocolate before it can be dangerous for them. However, consuming chocolate can still cause damage even to the largest breed.

Poisoning brought about by chocolate can affect the kidneys, central nervous system, and heart. The seriousness of the effects is case to case basis for it may only cause diarrhea to some dogs while other dogs have a chance of ending up with really severe long-term effects like seizures and problems in the cardiovascular system.

Because it’s impossible to know the volume of chocolate your dog has consumed and the strength of the cocoa it has, it is important to bring your dog right away to the veterinarian if you think that has consumed any chocolate.

Below are the symptoms of poisoning caused by chocolates in dogs:
If large amounts of theobromine were eaten by your dog, he will have a high chance of experiencing an irregular heartbeat, seizures, muscle tremors in the face, and in worst cases, heart attack or internal bleeding can likely occur. If you’re not sure whether your dog is in distress caused by theobromine poisoning, you should be watchful of severe hyperactivity for it can be the initial sign for it. Other signs that you may observe from your dog are trembling, nervousness, excitement, and restlessness.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your animal hospital Columbia MD for proper medical attention.

Saturday 20 March 2021

Does Your Cat Love Scratching The Furniture

You may experience your cat often scratching your curtains, beddings, walls, and furniture, to name a few home items.  If this happens a lot, talk to your veterinarian or your local pet supply store personnel for advice on how to control this behavior so that it does not get worse.  One thing you may want to remember is that cats by nature want to scratch things like wood.  Cats do it to sharpen their claws, as a way to deal with boredom, or just as an energy release.  Keeping this information in mind, you may want to go ahead and try trimming your cat’s claws and perhaps even mix up her normal routine to find more entertainment and play or exercise to release excess energy.  Doing so may help reduce your cat’s inadvertent scratching.  Should it still fail, try offering your cat more toys as well as procuring one or more scratching posts.  These may occupy her time, giving her some other object to scratch instead of your items.  If there was an unusually large change in your cat’s routine recently, also try bringing back some activities that she is familiar with to ease the transition.

Make an appointment with your animal hospital Columbia MD if you have any concerns about your pet’s behavior.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

How to Register Your Burmese Cat in the CFA


vet Columbia, MD

If you want to register your purebred Burmese cat you will need to first decide if you want to register her with a local registry or an international registry. You will also want to pick which association as there are a few different ones associated with registering cats. Your vet may be able to suggest local chapters as well as a few larger ones that he may be aware of. You can also research online which registry you would like your cat in. For the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), registration requires you to submit an application that includes information from a blue or yellow slip that you should have received from your breeder. Blue slips require you to pay application fees for registration. Yellow slips indicate the breeder has paid for registration. Applications can be submitted by mail or online. Talk with your vet Columbia, MD for assistance on completing registration paperwork.

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Does your cat love to chase things ?


You have a cat in your life who is constantly on the lookout for ways to meet her needs. You’ve noticed that she loves to chase things and does so whenever she has the opportunity to. Is this a way of meeting her needs?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to utilize her natural instincts in order to feel at ease in your care and this is exactly what she is doing when it’s time for her to chase after something. This plays into her hunting instinct, as she likes to stalk, chase after, and pounce on things in an effort to mimic how her wild ancestors captured their food. This can help her meet certain needs, like helping her to stay content, entertain herself, and get some exercise. For more information, please contact your local veterinarian Columbia MD.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Looking after an older cat


You have a cat in your life who needs your help in order to stay happy and healthy, so you are taking the time to look after her and to help her meet her needs. How can you do this as she enters into her senior years?

You need to take the time to determine how your care must change as your pet gets older. This will mean offering her different ways to meet her needs if the current options are no longer ideal. It will also call for closer attention to be paid to different areas in her life, like her mobility. Her capabilities and preferences are likely to change, so make alterations to your care and interactions as needed. Be sure you address any concerns you have with her veterinarian to ensure she gets the attention she needs. Your local vet Columbia, MD can help you care for your pet. Schedule an appointment today.