Showing posts with label vet clinic Leesburg VA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic Leesburg VA. Show all posts

Friday 28 May 2021

Treating Diabetes in Dogs Like the Bichon Frise

If your Bichon Frise has recently been diagnosed with canine diabetes, be sure to talk with your vet to learn more about canine diabetes and ways you can help your pup fight the disease. In general, canine diabetes can develop when there isn’t enough insulin in a Bichon’s body. This causes the body to break down fat and protein reserves instead. Signs of diabetes may include lethargy, excessive hunger or thirst, and high glucose levels in the urine or bloodstream. Depending on the severity of the illness, your Bichon may need to be hospitalized to receive fast acting insulin. In most cases; however, diabetes can be treated at home with simple insulin injections or even simple pills for dogs that are not in a danger zone regarding glucose levels in the body. To find out more about your pup’s diabetes and how to treat it, please contact your vet Leesburg VA.

Thursday 29 April 2021

Two Cat Breeds That Tend To Live Longer Than Most

Some cats have a life expectancy of 15 years. But there is no guarantee that your cat will live this long. After all, the environment and the cat’s health determine how long she will live.

But if you pick a cat with a longer lifespan, then you will have a bigger chance of taking care of your cat for a long time. 

The Siamese cat is tall and has distinct marks on her back. She is very social and can be vocal from time to time. However, a Siamese cat tends to have dental and respiratory. These are the only reported medical conditions that a Siamese cat might have. Otherwise, there should not be any other complications. Expect a Siamese cat to live from 12 to 20 years.

A Burmese cat is a healthy breed. She is known to be playful, sociable, and adventurous. This breed has a history of cranial deformities or glaucoma. A Burmese cat can live from 16 to 18 years old.

Your veterinarian Leesburg VA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Monday 8 March 2021

Always Provide Your Pet With Nutritious Food

Our pets have specific nutritional needs. As such, dog foods provide the nutritional needs of dogs, while cat foods have the needed nutrients for cats. Nutritional needs also vary depending on your pet’s age. It is not recommended to give puppy food to senior dogs. Furthermore, there is also a separate formula for pets with certain health issues. Finally, it is also not recommended to give table scraps to your pet dogs or cats. Human food contains salt, garlic, and onions that are bad for your pet. These ingredients can make your pet sick.
Now that you know the nutritional needs of your pets, you must also learn to give the right amount of food. Don’t give too much food to your pet so it doesn’t become obese. All this extra weight might cause health problems, like heart disease or renal problems, in the future. Avoid all these health problems by maintaining your pet’s ideal weight.
If you are unsure of the kind of food that you will give to your pet, you can ask your animal hospital Leesburg VA.

Monday 15 February 2021

Possible Causes of Bloat in Thai Ridgebacks

 Image result for Possible Causes of Bloat in Thai Ridgebacks

Breeds like the Thai Ridgeback breed may be especially prone to a variety of health conditions including bloat. Talk to your vet about the condition. You may learn that bloat, Gastric Dilation-Volvulus, can occurwhen irregular amounts of air, fluid or foam forms in the stomach causing the stomach to swell. As the stomach swells, veins can be obstructed which can lead to low blood pressure, shock, or organ damage. The most general causes of bloat are stress, hereditary genes, temperament that causes stress, anxiety or aggression, eating habits such as elevated food bowls, rapid eating, eating of the wrong diet, eating gassy foods, drinking too much too quickly, deep and narrow build of chest, etc. It’s important to understand and recognize the signs of bloat so that you can be prepared to seek the immediate treatment needed to save your dog’s life. Learn more from your experienced vets Leesburg VA.

Wednesday 20 January 2021

Grooming Needs Of A Devon Rex

The Devon Rex is a breed of cat that has thin and curly-looking hair. This cat’s appearance is brought about by its recessive genes.

Its fur is may break easily simply by brushing. The skin glands release oil, which is essential for the health of the Devon Rex. In most cases, the skin oil is distributed throughout the cat’s body. Since its hair coat is thin, the skin oil may accumulate on the surface. The oil secreted can cause the cat to look greasy. Even the nail bed can also appear greasy.

Because of this characteristic, the Devon Rex has special grooming needs that must be given daily. Brushing the cat’s fur should be gentle, to avoid hair breakage. Keeping the cat well-groomed is also essential to keep the oil secretion from rubbing off on the furniture, bed, and other places that the cat usually stays.

Any sign of skin and/or hair coat issue should be brought to the attention of a best veterinarians Leesburg VA

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Why Cats Eat Grass


Cats that are lacking in vitamins may chew grass to complement their food intake. Grass can irritate the upper part of the digestive tract and trigger the vomit reflex. This may make cats in some cases to throw up, but it doesn't apply to all cats.  

There is no definitive data, however, some theories have been pointing to different directions. One theory surmises that cats need the folic acid and fiber contained in the grass. Folic acid is an essential nutrient for cats which can help increase their oxygen saturation. Fiber on the other hand helps in stomach concerns and better bowel movements. Others point to niacin, which helps in inflammation, weight reduction, appetite, and diarrhea. Unfortunately, cat physiology cannot produce niacin and as such, they need to source it externally.  

It's best to consult your professional animal hospital Leesburg VA for your cat's changes in behavior and health concerns.

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Dogs Need Emotional Support, Too

Do you believe that dogs also have feelings? Yes! Their body language can reveal a lot about what they are feeling. Being extra-sensitive, they can also feel the vibes given off by their humans. They can “smell” fear, anger, anxiety, and of course, joy and happiness. Dogs possess an incredible intuitive ability. Thus, you may have noticed your canine buddy giving you some extra love when you’re down or unwell. In the same way, your dog will also respond positive to your show of emotional support whenever they feel stressed, nervous, agitated or anxious. A gentle touch and a soothing voice can do wonders to a troubled dog. Touch is also a powerful form of positive reinforcement, in the same way that treats or praise are used to reward desired behavior. In fact, there have been studies that showed dogs respond better to touch compared to verbal praise during training.

Sudden changes in your pet’s health and/or behavior should be checked out by a vet Leesburg VA.