Showing posts with label vet park county co. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet park county co. Show all posts

Sunday 2 December 2018

Why Cats Need Places To Perch

Cats instinctively jump and climb to reach vertical spaces where they can spend time monitoring their immediate surroundings. The instinct to perch on elevated spots has been inherited from their ancestors who lived in the wild. Climbing keeps them out of reach of potential predators and gives them an excellent spot to search for prey. Thus, even with domestication, cats instinctively seek high places where he will feel safe.
To make your pet at happy, there are certain instincts and behaviors that should be encouraged. Jumping and perching are just two of these behaviors. Cat parents should think of positive ways to ‘feed’ these instincts. Clearing some spaces on top of furniture and cabinets, cat trees, and kitty condos provide lots of opportunities for a cat to engage in natural behaviors safely. If you don’t want your kitty jumping and perching on top of the table, it’s high time that you provide suitable places to indulge these natural feline behaviors.
Any sudden change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should be brought to the attention of your vet Teller County, CO.