Showing posts with label veterinarian Bourne MA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian Bourne MA. Show all posts

Thursday 31 March 2022

Do You Want A Pet Hedgehog?

You might have been thinking about getting a new family pet, but something that is non-traditional.  Dogs and cats might be adorable, but then they could be loud.  So you think perhaps hedgehogs might be good pets, so long as snuggling with one at night is not something you want to do.  Pet hedgehogs do not require as much maintenance as cats and dogs, but they still need specialized care.  If you are planning to move up from the typical reptile and small rodent animal companion, then perhaps hedgehogs might be the ideal pet.

Most people assume that hedgehogs are a member of the rodent family.  But they actually belong to the family called Erinaceidae.  The common domestic hedgehog species could measure between 5 and 9 inches, and they usually weigh about a pound.  Another popular assumption is that hedgehogs are baby porcupines.  They are not.  On the subject of quills, porcupines can shoot theirs, but hedgehogs cannot.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Bourne, MA. Click here to know more about their services. 

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Helping Your Pet Overcome His Phobia

 My Dog is Scared of Me: How to Help Train a Fearful or Timid Pet

A pet owner with enough experience will be able to spot signs that a dog is afraid of something.  Perhaps a certain stimulus being present can prompt the dog to be anxious and tremble visibly.  A fearful dog will tuck his tail between his legs as he lowers his body and head.  His hackle hair, around the upper area and the back of his neck, will rise up and his ears will point to the back, lay flat along the top of his head.  His eyes will go wide and his pupils will dilate.  It is also possible that uncontrolled bowel and bladder movements will happen to the animal.

If the triggering element facilitates a situation which the dog does not like and he successfully evades, he will eventually learn to stay away from situations of the same sort.

Most phobia cases in pet dogs could be challenging to manage, particularly if the triggering element is a hodge-podge of multiple factors.

Any concern you may have about your pet’s behavior should prompt a visit to your veterinarians Bourne MA.

Saturday 10 October 2020

Bonding With Your Sugar Glider


veterinarian Bourne, MA

One of the fascinating exotic animals that are being kept as pets is sugar gliders. Part of pet ownership is the establishment of a bond between the owner and the pet. To create a successful bonding between you and your glider, take note of these tips.

One effective way of creating a bond is through your body scent. Please keep your pet always close to your body to allow him to get familiarized with your scent. As sugar gliders are tiny, it is best to carry your pet using a pouch. You may also place your used shirt or sock into his nesting box or inside the pouch you use to bring him. Your glider will initially tend to escape while inside the pouch, so do not forget to secure it using safety pins. Though time, your pet will get accustomed to your scent and will get comfy staying inside the pouch. Popular pets such as canines and felines, as we have known, can quickly establish unique relationships with humans. As for exotic pets, creating a bond with them requires careful attention.

Your veterinarian Bourne, MA is a valuable source of information about pet health, nutrition, and behavior.