Showing posts with label veterinarian Carmel Valley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian Carmel Valley. Show all posts

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Tips For Dealing With Heatstroke In Dogs

Heatstroke can be prevented when a dog's body temperature is maintained. These are the tips you can apply to your dog when he starts overheating:

Relocate him where there is shade. If he is lying, standing, or seated directly from the sun, this must be the first thing you should do. Under the shade of a tree will be best if you have no access to any building. However, if you are near your house, bring him immediately inside. Ensure that the room where you bring him is cool and that there is a water supply so he can drink immediately when he wishes to. Grab some damp towels, which you can use to wipe his coat to keep him cool. This will also help him regulate his temperature. Outdoors, your car can also be an alternative shaded location where you can bring your dog. 

Give your dog ventilation access. If inside your car, immediately turn on the air conditioning system. When it is unavailable, you can use any available resources to fan your dog since the air will also help him cool down. There will be times when your needs will be unavailable. Thus, it would be best to practice being resourceful at all times.

Your veterinarians Carmel Valley is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and well-being.

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Hairballs In Cats

When cats groom themselves, tiny hook-like structures on their tongue catch loose and dead hair, which they eventually swallow. Fur that is stuck in the stomach is what forms a hairball. Cats vomit their hairball once it gets large to let go of it. Because hairballs pass through the narrow esophagus on the way out, they often appear thin and tube-like rather than round.

Hairballs are most likely can be seen or encountered on cats that shed way too much or breeds that have thick and long fur, because they tend to swallow lots of furs when grooming. It may also seem different when your cat was just a kitten and they do not have any hairballs and just developed them as their older.

It is quite normal as kittens don't have quite the fur and as they grow old their furs get longer and thicker, so they tend to shed and groom a lot.

Frequent hairball episodes should require a visit to your animal care Carmel Valley so your cat can be examined. 

Friday 28 October 2022

Mental And Physical Stimulation For Kittens

Understand that cats are species born to live in the wild since they are accustomed to this lifestyle. The traits, characteristics, and features of these animals are also included in this type of living. What does this imply? It means that when adopting a kitten, you must consider her behaviors, background, and needs to thrive.

Thus, remember kittens need several activities, so they can address their needs to express their curiosity and energy. If you cannot always play with your kitten, you can give her toys that can serve as an outlet, can entertain her, and can develop her skills.

Experts recommend the following cat toys, furniture, or accessories:

  • Cat-friendly toys that resemble prey animals like mice or birds

  • Toys with catnip

  • Cardboard boxes

  • Crumpled paper

  • Food puzzles

  • Foraging games

  • Laser points

  • Scratching posts or cardboards

Meanwhile, do not give your kitten the following:

  • String toys like ribbons or yarns

  • Toys with small detachable parts that may cause intestinal obstruction or swallowing

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a call to your animal care Carmel Valley. 

Tuesday 26 July 2022

Important Training Tips - Doggy 'Do's

Are you planning to start training your dog? Wow. That is an amazing feat that requires patience, dedication, and hard work from your end. Remember that the success of this task is attainable when both parties do their responsibilities.

Here are some of the things you should do to attain the best results in training your beloved dog.

  • Practice the techniques you will use or employ.

  • Do not teach your dog command orders outside or in the streets. Do this in your home or garden first.

  • Begin the training as soon as possible (when your dog is still a puppy).

  • Keep the training sessions short but effective and fun (maximum of 5 to 10 minutes).

  • Employ the reward method. Use treats or toys your dog loves.

  • Be clear and consistent in uttering the commands.

  • Be patient and take your time in training your dog.

  • Stick to only one command per session to prevent your dog from getting confused.

  • Consider enrolling your dog in a local class when you do not have the time to personally train him.

  • Finish each training session with a positive vibe.

  • Do not punish your dog when he fails to do what you ask him to.

A sudden change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should warrant a call to an animal clinic Carmel Valley. 

Friday 24 June 2022

How To Dispose Of Cat Litter


Is it your first time caring for cats? Do not be afraid because of the big responsibility you need to face. Though the tasks are many and quite challenging, you can do all of them because of your love for your pet cat.

Here is one tip you should bear in mind: disposing of your cat litter is a vital part of keeping your cat’s health and overall well-being in its prime condition. Proper disposal is also beneficial for your health and the safety of everyone in the household. Here are some guidelines for properly disposing of cat litter:

  • Do not touch the litter using your bare hands, particularly when you are expecting. The feces of cats contain a pathogen that leads to toxoplasmosis in infants.
  • Wear gloves to clean the litter box.
  • Wipe down the surfaces that touched the litter.
  • Dispose of the litter directly inside a bag in the garbage to avoid contamination.
  • You may use cat litter as natural fertilizers in your garden compost. But do this matter carefully so as not to cause contamination in your edible plants.
  • Avoid flushing cat litter to prevent damaging the plumbing system of your house.

Keeping the litter boxes of your cat clean is a must to let your pet live happily and be healthy.

Persistent litter box issues should warrant an appointment with your veterinary hospital Carmel Valley.

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Tracing Back the Roots of the Samoyed Dogs

The Samoyed dogs’ history can be traced back to their roots, the Spitz or Northern dog group. They originally came from the northwestern part of Siberia. They were used for hunting, herding reindeers, and hauling sleds for people from the Samoyed tribe. These people also loved to be close to their dogs as their thick haircoat brings warmth and comfort.

They have developed a strong bond with their humans due to the different activities they do for survival. At first, Samoyed dogs learned how to hunt reindeer. This is the primary source of food and clothing for the tribesmen. When the culture of the Samoyede people shifted, these hardworking dogs were trained for a new role. From hunting, they have changed their job to herding the reindeer. They help their owners by guiding and protecting the herds. They have been known as trusty working dogs ever since.

Later, they were brought out of Siberia to other parts of the world. Today, many families have adopted the bright Samoyed dogs. Their strikingly white and delightful smiles have convinced a lot of families to bring them home. They brought smiles and energy to all places that they have been. Despite that, their instinct as hardworking dogs is still alive.

Consult your vet Carmel Valley about the best way to protect your pet from various health issues. 

Friday 9 July 2021

How To Help Your Pets To Get Along


When there are multiple pets in the household, the owner faces the challenge of finding out how to get everyone to get along. When there is a new pet, it should not be expected to mingle with all the resident pets immediately. On the other hand, resident pets may display aggressive behaviors towards the newest pet.

Some of this behavior could be a fixation on the new pet or the temporary room of said pet. Another example would be to hiss when the pet passes by.

To prevent pets from being hostile with one another, give them chance to be familiar with each other’s presence and scents. Put the new pets in a separate room until they are acquainted with one another.

The best way is to introduce one another slowly. Doing so will prevent the pets from being hostile. You should also supervise the behavior of all your pets to see who is aggressive.

If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, contact your pet clinic Carmel Valley.

Thursday 18 March 2021

NSAIDs and Cats

Did you know that NSAID is an abbreviation for Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs? Make sure you talk to your vet if your cat has been prescribed NSAIDs. For instance, find out why the medication was prescribed and what the expected outcome should be. In some cases, a vet will prescribe a cat NSAIDS to help reduce swelling, stiffness, or joint pain often associated with arthritis or effects of recent surgery. There are several NSAIDs that are designed specifically for cats. It is not OK to give your cat any type of anti-inflammatory designed for people unless directed by your vet. Always monitor your cat for possible side effects. Routine blood work is needed to monitor for serious long term side affects including kidney, liver, or digestive problems. If your cat exhibits behavior changes, changes in appetite, develops skin redness, or starts vomiting or has diarrhea stop giving him the drug and contact your vet Carmel Valley immediately.