Showing posts with label veterinarian Century West. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian Century West. Show all posts

Thursday 21 November 2019

Myths About Dog Ear Infections Busted

veterinarian Century West, OR

Ear infections are very common problems in dogs. Although signs are not hard to miss, it can be tricky to make ear infections go away and never come back. A dog with infection of the outer ear may appear to be shaking his head persistently, there’s redness and swelling within the ears, scratching at the ears, and a foul-smelling discharge from the ears. Here are some common myths about ear infections that have been busted:

Myth: Ear infections can be cured by apple cider vinegar.
Fact: Apple cider vinegar can be used as one of the ingredients in making an ear-cleaning solution. However, this type of solutions are discouraged because it can actually increase the risk of infection.

Myth:  Leftover medication from a previous infection should never be used.
Fact: It’s important to have your dog examined by a veterinarian before any treatment is provided. Even if you are tempted, using leftover medication should never be done, even if the problem appears to be similar to the previous one.

Myth: Infection can occur from cleaning your dog’s ears.
Fact: Ear infections in dogs usually develop as a result of an underlying condition. It may be caused by bacteria, yeast, allergies, trauma, tumors, foreign material, and hormonal problems. There are also certain breeds of dogs that are more prone to developing ear infections because of the anatomy of their ears.

Any signs of ear problems should be brought to the attention of a veterinarian Century West, OR.