Showing posts with label veterinarian Fort Collins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian Fort Collins. Show all posts

Monday 7 November 2022

Dewormers For Cats


When you have just found that your cat has worms, do not play hero and save your cat from these harmful pests. Experts do not recommend the use of over-the-counter medicines or even natural products for treating and preventing worms in cats. These items are not proven effective and do not guarantee the prevention of worms.

So you may wonder, what should you use to deworm your furry feline friend?

Once you have consulted your vet, an injectable or oral dewormer may be recommended. This item will get rid of the larval and adult worms in your cat’s intestine. 

Meanwhile, the infections caused by tapeworms, whipworms, hookworms, and roundworms may be treated using broad-spectrum prescription medications such as Drontal Plus and Panacur. If you are to use these treatments, strictly follow the instructions. 

Injectable medications are also available, such as Praziquantel. This medicine paralyzes and dislodges worms from the cat’s intestine. Vets may also recommend the use of oral and topical flea prevention to help stop worm infestation.

Work with your veterinarian Fort Collins, CO in creating a health preventive program that includes your pet's year-round protection against internal and external parasites.