Showing posts with label veterinarian San Antonio TX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian San Antonio TX. Show all posts

Monday 5 September 2022

Do Somali Cats Never Sleep?

Never sleep? Is there any living being that does not sleep or catch some Zs? Of course, there isn’t one. Even the Somali felines, who are extremely active and playful, find time to rest because their bodies need it. So, do not believe the hoax that Somali cats never sleep because they do and need to.

One fact about these cats is that they love activities, fun, adventures, excitement, and everything that can stimulate their minds and bodies and that satisfies their need to explore and enjoy their lives fully. Thus, once you have adopted a Somali cat, do not get surprised when she does the following things:


      Following you around your home

      Jumping on your kitchen counter

      Watching you open your refrigerator

      Trying to catch your attention by doing some tricks

      These felines are playful and active, no doubt. It is recommended to buy several toys to keep these cats occupied and entertained.

Your veterinarian San Antonio, TX is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being.

Thursday 10 February 2022

Can Ferrets Eat Cat Food ?

When something happens and all ferret food is unavailable, you need not panic. The pet ferrets can eat cat food. However, you need to be careful with your choices since not all cat food is suitable for ferrets.

Most kitten foods should be okay for the ferrets, but you need to check if they are high in grains. Ferrets are primarily carnivorous animals. Thus, cat foods made mostly from grains could be, at some point, harmful to the health of the ferrets. 

Another thing to check when feeding ferrets with cat foods is their fatty acid amounts. Fatty acids are essential supplements that can optimize the overall health of ferrets. They can help protect the heart of the pet ferrets and improve their cognitive functions.

Do consult your veterinarian San Antonio, TX before making any changes to your pet's diet.

Monday 29 November 2021

Joys of Having a Designer Dog


Designer dogs have the advantage of being free from some genetic traits that cause problems to some purebred dogs. Hence, you can worry less about health issues that dogs usually encounter. Generally, they have a better overall health status than most dogs and don’t develop the common age-related conditions. Their immunity to common health diseases is brought about by their diverse genetic makeup.

This usually influences people to bring home one despite paying a higher price. At the end of the day, keeping a naturally healthy dog is more practical.  

Some designer dogs are hypoallergenic, making them suitable for pet parents that are sensitive to allergens. For instance, people with asthma will not be troubled with asthma attacks due to allergens from their pets. Some are intentionally designed to have a calmer disposition to fit an owner that prefers a peaceful home. This type of designer dog can be the best companion for older people.

Consult your veterinarian San Antonio, TX about the best way to protect your pet from various health issues.

Thursday 1 July 2021

Tips When Traveling With Your Pet Cat

Cats and travel don’t mix. Even if you take your cat out for a short trip, she will still feel stressed out. But you need to encourage your cat to take these short trips, or else you will have a difficult time going to the vet or groomer later on.

You still need to go on trips with your pet cat, even if she is not comfortable doing it. so you need to devise ways to lessen your cat’s stress.

One way to calm your cat is by putting her on a crate. Include her favorite toys and treats so she will enjoy staying on the crate. Make sure that your kitty will still see you even if she is inside the crate. This way, she will not think that you are abandoning her. 

From time to time, you can put your fingers inside the crate so the cat can snuggle with you. But before you go on your trip, you can play with your cat so she will be calmer. You might also want to try getting stress remedy medicines for your kitty. You can find these at stores.

Call your veterinary hospital San Antonio TX to make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccinations are up to date before taking your pet on outdoor excursions. 

Thursday 28 January 2021

Taking Care Of Chinchillas


Chinchillas are lovely pets to care for but they have special needs that must be met every day of their lives. And one of these needs is their grooming needs. Much like how cats are, chinchillas have their own grooming habits to keep their fur clean. These creatures can be de-scented but they still emit a distinct smell that still bothers their carers. The only solution to this is to clean their cage and furniture regularly, and it would be best to place their cage in an area of your house where there is ventilation to help reduce the smell. 

If grooming and sanitation are not done regularly, fleas, lice, and other parasites can start to populate in their dense fur. Chinchillas may also develop bad habits and behavioral problems with stressors present in their environment. Overcrowding is one factor and can make them aggressive, and turn into gnawing and biting other chins, and chomping their fur.

Any sign of illness should prompt a visit to your pet clinic San Antonio TX.

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Bloat in Dogs


Canine bloat can affect dogs of all breeds and all ages, but it is often seen in dogs with certain characteristics such as a deep chest cavity. Canine bloat (also known as Gastric Dilation-Volvulus) is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment. It is an often fatal illness. Bloat occurs when a dog’s stomach fills with gas, food or fluid causing it to expand. The expansion of the stomach can apply pressure on other organs causing blood to stop flowing to the heart and stomach lining. The stomach can expand so much that it causes a tear in the wall and can even cause difficulty breathing. Sometimes the stomach can twist. When this happens blood is stopped from flowing to the heart, which can send your dog into shock. Vet care is needed immediately. Surgery may be required in some cases. Consult with your vets San Antonio, TX for further information.

Friday 4 December 2020

Why Your Pet’s Rabies Vaccine Should Be Up-To-Date


veterinarians San Antonio, TX

Rabies is a disease contracted by humans from the saliva of an animal infected by the rabies virus. Apart from humans, dogs, cats, and other mammals can be affected by this fatal disease. The virus is primarily transmitted through an animal bite and scratch. The virus can easily spread with direct contact or exposure from the saliva of infected animals. No known treatment is available that can cure the disease once the signs and symptoms of rabies have manifested, and the disease is almost always fatal. However, you can protect yourself and your pets from the deadly rabies virus. It can be prevented through effective intervention which is achieved with vaccination. Doses of rabies vaccine can be given annually, every other year, or every three years depending on governing state laws, the health status of the person or animal, and the vaccine itself. If your pet has been scratched or bitten by another rabid animal, rush to the nearest animal hospital or veterinary clinic to have your pet examined. Your veterinarian San Antonio, TX can recommend the best course of action for rabies infections, and normally, a booster dose of rabies vaccine would be offered. A mandatory quarantine period would be specified and imposed by the veterinarian to supervise and monitor your pet for disease progression and signs of infection.

Saturday 31 October 2020

Tips For Keeping Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy


veterinarian San Antonio, TX

Establish a daily oral care routine and have your dog’s teeth checked regularly by a veterinarian. You should always consider dental care as an essential part of your dog’s health. Diseases can develop if dental health is neglected. The plaque build-up may not be as serious as it may sound but infections, periodontal conditions, tooth decay and even tooth loss can result from plaque formation alone. These are common in dogs with poor dental hygiene and those without regular dental regimen. 

Dog’s teeth should be examined by a dental professional or a veterinarian. Dental visits twice a year is the usual recommendation, but this can vary depending on the assessment of your dog’s veterinarian. Structures of the oral cavity are examined during these dental visits. The integrity and health status of dental structures are inspected closely. Veterinarians will look for any signs of pain, discoloration of your dog’s teeth, and gum inflammation. 

Procedures to be done would depend on the findings of your veterinarian San Antonio, TX. Cleaning might be suggested by your veterinarian if they see plaque and tartar formation in your dog’s teeth. If they find tooth decay, your veterinarian might be prompted to perform a root canal procedure; while loose teeth can be subject to removal. Some complex procedures may warrant the use of an anesthetic to immobilize your dog while the procedure is being done.

Saturday 14 March 2020

Can Rabbits get Fleas?

Rabbits can be prone to fleas whether they live outdoors in a hutch or indoors in a nice plush cage. If you have other pets in the home then they could bring in fleas to your indoor rabbit. It’s important to make sure all of your pets are treated for fleas and ticks to avoid spreading them to your rabbit and even to yourself. Rabbits outdoors could get fleas or ticks simply because they are outdoors. You can help protect your rabbit by keeping his cage clean and always be on the lookout for signs of fleas. If your rabbit does get fleas, talk to your vet about ways to get rid of the fleas. Do not use store bought flea shampoo or people shampoo unless directed by your vet. Some rabbit owners use homemade remedies of half rabbit shampoo and half vinegar or a spray of half water and half vinegar. Talk to your trusted animal hospital San Antonio TX to learn more.

Sunday 18 August 2019

Belgian Sheepdog

Looking for an active, playful dog that is on the large side and loves to be with children and families of all ages? Check out the Belgian Sheepdog. This dog was originally bred in Belgium as a herding dog. They are in a class related to other herding breeds including the Dutch Shepherd Dog, the German Shepherd Dog, and the Briard. The Belgian Sheepdog is smart, loyal and affectionate as well as very observant and very obedient. Like most herding dogs, these guys are athletic and can be a little too aggressive with smaller children so be sure to always supervise when they are together. The Belgian Sheepdog is easy to train mainly because of his eagerness to please and be the center of attention. Overall this canine scores high on the new pet and family fun. Call your veterinarian San Antonio, TX for more information.