Showing posts with label veterinarians Savannah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarians Savannah. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Keeping your cat safe in your home

You have a cat in your life who needs you to be by her side in order to help her stay content and safe in your care. How can you keep her out of trouble and ensure she enjoys herself?

Your pet needs you to pay close attention to her in order to determine her needs as they arise. This will help her feel safe and well-cared for. She will need to know that you will be there if something were to come up and that you will take the right steps to help her enjoy your time with her by offering your undivided attention. Your pet needs you to interact with her so you can get to know her habits and then make sure you are removing potential hazards from her usual path. Your local pet clinic Savannah, GA can offer additional suggestions.

To learn more click on the website link.

Monday 21 October 2019

Where to interact with your ferret in your living space

You have a ferret in your life now and you want to make sure you are interacting with her as often and as safely as possible. This makes you wonder – where should this be taking place?

Your pet needs you to take a good look at your living space and determine what areas are the safest for her. Make any changes that need to be made and make sure to block off spaces you’d rather she didn’t’ venture into. Your pet should be able to roam around a bit, so make sure she has enough space to do so. Be sure that you can see her the whole time so she won’t be heading out of sight at any point and make an effort to bring some of her toys into this space for her to enjoy. For more information, please contact your local pet clinic Savannah, GA. Make an appointment today!