Showing posts with label veterinarians Scottsdale AZ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarians Scottsdale AZ. Show all posts

Saturday 3 October 2020

Feeding your iguana


Spending time with an iguana allows you to get to know your pet in a way that will let you form a close relationship. How can you make sure you are feeding her a diet she can enjoy?

Your iguana is a herbivore and this means that she will need to be able to munch on plenty of plant-based foods. Think about her preferences and talk with her veterinarian about what she needs for nutrients. This means that you will need to make these two work together so she can have the best of both worlds. Be sure to consider portion sizes as well so she can have enough fresh food to feel satisfied and content. This should be thoroughly washed and cut up to pieces that will be manageable for her to enjoy. Your local veterinarians Scottsdale, AZ can offer additional suggestions.

Thursday 26 September 2019

Negative Litter Box Association In Cats

If a cat that keeps on using the litter box suddenly starts to do his business somewhere else, there could be something wrong. Taking steps to find out what could be causing your pet’s behavior can help nip the problem in the bud before it can become a deeply ingrained.

One common reason is a bad experience that the cat may have been through while using the litter box. The cat may appear hesitant to use the box, entering it but then leaving quickly. Sometimes, the cat may leave before doing his thing.

Painful elimination is a common cause of negative litter box association. Certain medical issues can cause pain during elimination. Unfortunately, the cat may associate the pain with using the litter box. Even if the cat has already recovered from the illness, this negative association may still cause litter box avoidance.

A visit to your veterinary clinic Scottsdale, AZ can help identify what is causing your pet’s negative behavior.