Showing posts with label veterinarians green bay wi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarians green bay wi. Show all posts

Friday 22 March 2019

Best Ways to Get Your Dog to Take a Pill

If you’re having trouble getting your dog to take a pill then you may want to try a couple of the following suggestions. First, try wrapping the pill in cheese or bread. If this doesn’t work, try placing peanut butter all over the pill. Dogs tend to swallow when it’s just peanut butter instead of sorting it out in their mouth and spitting out the pill like they do with bread or cheese. You can also purchase pill pockets from the store and place the pill in the pill pocket. These pill pockets are basically dog treats with a hole in the middle where you can place the pill. You can also try placing the pill in an apple slice or a dog treat you already have. If all else fails, gently open your dog’s mouth and push the pull on the back of the tongue. Hold your dog’s mouth closed and slightly upward so he will swallow. Call your Green Bay, WI vet clinic for more tips.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Parasites in Pets - Fleas And Ticks

Parasites depend on other animal (the host) for their nourishment. Pets have both external and internal parasites. Fleas, ticks, and mites are the most common external parasites, while tapeworms, roundworms, heartworms, and hooksworms are common internal parasites of pets. A heavy parasite load, external and/or internal, can increase the host’s risks to serious health issues that can have a negative impact on their quality of life. Dogs that don’t receive regular deworming throughout the year, immune-compromised pets, and very young puppies and kittens are vulnerable to the effects of a heavy parasite infestation. Protecting your pet against parasites should be done throughout the year and not only during certain seasons. External parasites can cause a great deal of irritation, itching, and skin problems. There may also be loss of blood, hair loss, and hotspots. Fleas are also known carriers of tapeworms.
Work with your vet Green Bay, WI in creating a year-round parasite preventive program that targets both internal and external parasites. 

Tuesday 18 September 2018

The importance of preventative care

You love your pet and you want to be there for her as often as you can be. Would preventative care help with this?

Preventative care can make a big difference in your pet’s life. This refers to looking after your pet in a way that will not only be beneficial to your little fur ball now but will also help her have a bright future ahead of her. Because there are so many different ways to meet your pet’s current needs, you will choose the appropriate method based on how she acts now and how these decisions will impact her life in the future. This will help you see how your care can enhance your pet’s life over time and help her to minimize the negatives that come into her day-to-day experiences. For additional information, please contact your local vet Green Bay, WI.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Managing Your Cat’s Inappropriate Scratching

Your cat scratches to remove old worn layers of her nails to reveal new sharp ones. She also scratches to mark her territory using scent from glands in her feet. This marking leaves a visual marker too. Thus you may never completely eliminate your cat’s scratching but you can manage her inappropriate scratching of your belongings such as the sofa, carpets or drapes. Position scratching posts near the targeted belongings and encourage her to scratch the posts. Reward her if she scratches the posts on her own. Cover your targeted belongings with strips of aluminum foil or double-sided tape when not in use. These materials feel weird to your cat’s feet so she will avoid scratching there. Ensure your cat gets enough exercise so she doesn’t scratch out of boredom. Never punish or yell at your cat while she is learning. Learn more from your veterinarians Green Bay, WI.