Showing posts with label veterinarians norwalk ca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarians norwalk ca. Show all posts

Saturday 7 November 2020

Are You Dealing With Cat Smell and Urine Spraying

Do you have the smell of cat urine? Is your beloved cat fond of urine spraying around your house? The smell of cat urine is brought about by a cocktail of specialized chemicals which are called pheromones. For cats that have reached their sexual maturity stage, pheromones are vital in displaying their sexual status to other cats, and spraying urine in various places is a way for them to indicate this. While these cats take a crouch position when they urinate on their litter box, their position is different when they spray urine. When a cat wants to mark territory, he will spray urine using a different body position. This is the posture is that most people see: a cat standing and bringing its tail up while it sprays urine to a chosen surface or object. Tomcats or cats that have yet to be neutered have a uniquely stronger urine smell.

Neutering can significantly reduce or altogether eliminate urine spraying in cats. Ask your veterinarian Norwalk CA about it. 

Friday 15 November 2019

What to consider when choosing a litter box

veterinary clinic Norwalk, CA

You have a wonderful feline friend in your life and you know that she needs a litter box in order to be comfortable in your home. How can you choose one for her that she will like?

Your cat needs you to be aware of the fact that she needs your help to meet her needs. Seeking out appropriate supplies, like a litter box, will be part of your job as a pet owner. This means that you will need to think about your pet’s needs when it comes to this item and then try to find an option that will work for her. Your little fur ball will likely need a specific size, a litter box that can utilize a litter she likes, and accessories that fit her personal preferences. Your local veterinary clinic Norwalk, CA can help you better understand what your pet needs from you.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Trimming Your Cat’s Nails

Trimming your cat’s nails can reduce incidences of inappropriate scratching of you and your belongings. And short nails are less likely to get caught in fabrics and damage your cat’s feet. Thus it is important to keep your cat’s nails short. Start trimming her nails when she is young so it becomes routine. Handle your cat’s feet and nails so she becomes accustomed to your touch. When you are ready to trim your cat’s nails, act efficiently. Grasp your cat’s paw and press on the pads to extend the nails. Trim the nails a little at a time while avoiding the quick. The quick is the nerve and blood supply to the nail and will hurt and bleed if nicked. Continue as long as your cat doesn’t resist. Don’t force her to continue. Just try another time and eventually you’ll get all the nails trimmed. For more information, contact your veterinarians Norwalk, CA.