Showing posts with label veterinarians sugar land tx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarians sugar land tx. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Choosing a water dish for your feline friend

Your cat needs to drink plenty of water in order to stay hydrated and happy in your care. How can you choose a water dish for her in order to help make this happen?

Your little fur ball needs you to take the time to think about her size and capabilities. This will help you determine how much water she will drink throughout the day as well as what position is most comfortable for her to drink from. Choose a dish that can hold a suitable amount of water for her and will stay at a height where she can easily reach it. Make a point to opt for a wide dish that will keep her whiskers from being irritated when she wants to take a drink. Your local animal hospital Sugar Land, TX can help you better understand your pet.

Monday 24 February 2020

Adopting a Cat

Adopting a cat is a great way to add a new four legged companion to your family. You can ask your vet for recommendations on where to adopt a cat from. For instance, shelters, human societies, rescue leagues, and even pet stores with adoption centers are great places to start your search for a cat. You should also talk to your vet or pet store associate about the basics needed to care for a cat. For instance, think it through what you will need to sacrifice financially to bring the cat home. Think about the idea of vet trips, grooming salon visits, etc. In addition, try and decide what type of cat you want. Do you want one that gets along with children or does that matter? What about cats that are OK with having their claws trimmed? Make sure you ask if there are any issues with the cat before adopting. Your veterinarians Sugar Land, TX can help you further.

Sunday 2 February 2020

Tips for Treating a Cat Scratch

Most cats don’t mean any harm. It just happens that they end up scratching while they’re playing! In other cases, it may be a quick, simple, and effective warning to stop doing whatever it is you’re doing. No matter what the reason, it’s a good idea to know how to treat a cat scratch properly.
Treating most cat scratches isn’t difficult. Most are fairly shallow cuts that can be washed with soap and water. Then, some antibiotic ointment and a band aid can be applied to the wound.
If the wound seems particularly deep, you may want to consider washing it out with hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol. If you’re worried about your wound, you should see a doctor.
Professional vets Sugar Land, TX can help too by instructing you on how to prevent getting scratched in the first place!

Thursday 3 January 2019

Your feline friend’s sleeping habits

You have a cat in your life who enjoys spending time in your home. She can often be found playing nearby, but you catch her napping more than anything. Why does she sleep so much?

Your pet needs to be able to relax in your home and her sleeping habits require her to rest often. She needs a lot of sleep and will take advantage of the calm and peaceful times in your living space. This means that she will also be found napping throughout the day, allowing her to get up and meet her other needs in between sleep sessions. This allows her to also check out what’s going on in your home so she is less likely to miss something interesting that’s going on. Your local veterinarian Sugar Land, TX can help you care for your pet. Learn more here.

Monday 17 September 2018

Leopard gecko basics

You have been thinking about what life would be like with a leopard gecko in your care, and you think you’re getting ready to bring home a companion like this. What should you know before doing so?

Leopard geckos are popular pets because they are one of the ways people who are new to reptiles can experience life with a lizard. They are relatively easy to care for but still very interesting to spend time with. They are able to interact with their owners and will stay within their enclosures unless brought out to interact with others. They do require live food, so caring for animals they eat, like crickets and mealworms, will need to be a part of your life should you decide to look after a leopard gecko. For additional information, please contact your local pet clinic Sugar Land, TX.