Showing posts with label veterinary clinic Bucks County. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinary clinic Bucks County. Show all posts

Monday 14 November 2022

Why Is My Cockatiel Making So Much Noise?

Cockatiels are social animals and like to communicate with their owners. You may think that your bird is trying to tell you something when he makes noise, but sometimes this behaviour can actually be linked to diet or health problems.

If your cockatiel is making a lot of noise and doesn't seem to be able to stop himself, there are some steps that you can take to help him get back on track:

● First and foremost, it's important to understand that cockatiels are social birds. They are happiest when they have the companionship of their human owners and other pet birds. A lonely or bored cockatiel will make noise in order to get attention. As long as there is no physical issue causing the excessive vocalization, a little bit of extra attention should be enough to remedy this problem.

● If your bird has a physical issue like an overgrown beak or an infected mouth cavity (which causes him pain), he might begin making unusual sounds. In such cases, it may be

necessary for you to take him to a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

● When in doubt, ask your vet.

If you have more questions or wish to schedule Tweety for a checkup, feel free to call us, your local veterinary clinic Bucks County, PA anytime!