Showing posts with label veterinary clinic Chesapeake VA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinary clinic Chesapeake VA. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 February 2023

Homemade Dog Food & Treats – Pros


Personally, creating threats to your dog at home has many benefits. You'll be able to ensure that the content of the food is clean and healthy. Another advantage is you can customize it and add a variety of ingredients. 

Dog loves the thrill of eating different types of food simultaneously. This is why using other ingredients in creating food for your dog is a good idea. Even humans become tired of eating the same thing over and over again. Make it a habit to change your pet's food to encourage her to eat. When your dog's food lacks variety, he might become bored and eventually decide not to eat. This procedure can be less expensive if you maximize the resources you can get at home. Only a few ready-available dog food offers the variety that dogs like. Some many fruits and vegetables are healthy for dogs. Use the internet and look for dog food recipes.

Your vet Chesapeake VA is a valuable resource regarding your pet’s health and needs.

Thursday 26 January 2023

Pet Allergies: Should You Make Your Pet’s Food At Home?


When choosing a food for your pet, there are many options. You can either buy it from shops or make it yourself at home. If you have time to prepare food for your pet personally, you should do it instead of buying processed foods for him. This way, you can control the ingredients you put in the food and monitor your pet's reaction to the ingredients present in the food.

It would be best if you give your attention to your pet's diet. He should be able to get enough nutrients and minerals to sustain his body. Research nutrient-rich food recipes appropriate for your dog and try making them at home. Remember to consult your vet first regarding this matter. It will help if you make your pet's diet hypoallergenic by eliminating the ingredients he is allergic to. It can be challenging at first, but always remember that prioritizing your pet's health is a must.

Frequent allergy flare-ups must warrant a visit to an animal hospital Chesapeake, VA.

Wednesday 28 December 2022

When It’s Your Cat’s First Outdoor Excursion

Most experts advise you not to let your beloved feline friend go for an outdoor excursion by herself. You have to be there on her first day in the outside world. Your primary goal is to keep her safe and protected from any possible danger or harm. So how should you go about your pet’s first day out? If you are unsure of what to do and how to go about it, here are the techniques you might want to consider and follow:

· Select a beautiful day to go outside. This day should be a dry and quiet one, with very minimal noises in the surroundings (e.g., children screaming or dogs barking). These unwanted noises may stress your kitten or even scare her.

· Continuously accompany your kitten or cat when going outside until she has familiarized herself with the environment of the outside world. You should also ensure that she has learned how to go back inside your home.

· Experts recommend freely allowing cats or kittens to go out only when they have been spayed or neutered.  

Call a veterinary hospital Chesapeake, VA to make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccinations are up to date before taking your pet on outdoor excursions.

Friday 26 August 2022

Clay Cat Litter


Depending on the litter material, you may need to change the cat litter more often. Nowadays, there are a lot of options of litter to choose from, and before grabbing one in the store, the most important factor to consider is how frequently you can clean the litter box.

Probably the most common litter type, clay litter is among the options you have for your cat's box— they can be non-clumping or clumping. They both have advantages and disadvantages, but the non-clumping one requires more frequent replacement. Cats generally prefer this type due to its resemblance to the soil (where cats naturally poop/pee). On the downside, this is the messiest, not to mention high-dust/high-tracking on the paws. Clay litter requires weekly replacements— or even more often. And although it's cheap, the maintenance and cleaning it needs may be quite a price to pay.

If you have concerns about your pet's litter box habits, make an appointment with your veterinary hospital Chesapeake, VA. 

English Foxhound Temperament

Socialization, training, and heredity are among the factors that affect the English Foxhound's temperament. Nice-tempered puppies are generally curious, playful, and easy to approach/handle. And if you're thinking of getting a dog, it's best to choose puppies with an average temperament or those who are neither bullies nor anxious.

Meeting the puppy's mother or father is a big help in assessing your compatibility with your prospective pet. You may also meet his other relatives to have a better understanding of how he'll most likely turn out as an adult dog.

You may start socialization by signing up your pooch for pup kindergarten. You may also have some visitors in your house from time to time. In addition, include strolling in the neighborhood in your routine list, plus take your dog with you to the park or store (provided, of course, that they allow dogs).

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your veterinary clinic Chesapeake, VA

Monday 1 August 2022

Grooming Needs Of Coton De Tulear


Frequent brushing reduces the need to bathe your Coton. Metal combs with fine teeth, alongside small combs, work best for their face. Meanwhile, coated hair elastics work great in creating a topknot to let you see their eyes. The use of puppy clips also makes maintenance easier.

Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly bathing may be necessary if your Coton gets dirty more often. Whitening shampoos should be used for this. After giving your dog a bath, be sure to pat him dry— rubbing is discouraged as it increases knots. After that, blow-dry him as you brush.

When they're 7-15 months old, adult coats begin to grow, which calls for extra grooming. Nail care and dental hygiene are also things you shouldn't forget. Toothbrushing should be done 2-3 times each week to get rid of bacteria and tartar, but if you can do it every day, that's even better. Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian Chesapeake VA.

Friday 3 June 2022

Does Your Rabbit Pee Anywhere?


Rabbits usually follow litter box habits: if you have given proper training to your bunny already. However, it has been observed that domestic rabbits start peeing on your living places like bed/couch. It is so frustrating and annoying to deal with a pet doing such acts. If this kind of situation arises you should first find out the underlying cause. 

Sometimes you will have to retrain your rabbit. Occasionally peeing on the couch/bed can be a deliberate act of your bunny to show dominance. Rabbits are known for wanting authority (claiming the territory). You can also experience this behavior in a group of bunnies living together. If it is so, you need to restrict your rabbit from coming around living areas by using snappy trainers. 

A sudden change in your pet’s elimination habits should warrant an appointment with your veterinary health center Chesapeake, VA.

Monday 11 April 2022

Types Of Adverse Food Reactions In Cats


Various categories of negative food reactions could happen to a cat: 

Food Poisoning.  This adverse reaction to food is triggered by the food item itself.  Food poisoning might include the following: 

  • Swallowing too much of a certain nutrient like vitamin D or vitamin A. 
  • Scavenging spoiled food items.
  • Swallowing plants, (like rhubarb) could cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Food additives.  Negative reactions to some food additives can happen in people, often caused by things like monosodium glutamate, sulfites, and specific spices.  You may have heard that there are food additives that could trigger issues in cats, but supporting evidence for this is lacking.  Disulfides are food additives known to cause issues.  Onions contain disulfides and could damage red blood cells.
  • Drug-like food reactions.  Humans could suffer from critical clinical reactions brought about by histamine.  Some of these reactions include facial swelling, vomiting, nausea, sweating, diarrhea, and flushing.  But histamine might not be a problem for cats, barring occasional idiosyncratic reactions.
  • Carbohydrates. Various notable carbohydrate intolerance conditions exist in humans.  Cats reacting negatively to carbohydrate intolerance are not as commonplace.  Lactose intolerance is quite a common carbohydrate reaction seen in cats.  Indicators include abdominal discomfort, bloating, vomiting and diarrhea after ingesting milk from goats or cows.
  • Dietary indiscretion.  Dogs exhibit dietary indiscretion more than cats.  However, cats do sometimes eat stuff that they must not.  Gastrointestinal indicators might be triggered by bones, bacterial contamination, grease, or fat.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your vet clinic Chesapeake VA

Friday 12 November 2021

Schiff-Sherrington Posture in Manx Cats

Like any other animal, feline breeds like Manx cats develop age-related conditions concerning their mobility as their age progresses. Some of these conditions include arthritis-like degenerative joint disease (DJD), and a more uncommonly heard of condition which is the Schiff-Sherrington syndrome. 

If you have observed that your cat is having difficulties with movement, be quick to contact your veterinarian as it would be best for your cat to be assessed and examined to pinpoint the cause of such immobility. Mobility issues do not always mean that your Manx cat is suffering from Schiff-Sherrington syndrome, however, it could be a symptom.

Schiff-Sherrington is a condition that develops as a result of spinal cord injury wherein the spinal cord is transected or severed due to a lesion on the feline’s low back area. A lesion forms when there has been previous trauma on the area of the spine or occurrence of intervertebral disk conditions which is deemed to be a more common cause. If this is present, they might exhibit symptoms like inability to walk or stand, unusual or unsteady gait, front limbs are rigid in extension, and the possibility of having paralyzed rear limbs.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary hospital Chesapeake, VA for proper medical attention.

Thursday 7 October 2021

Tips on Finding Quality Boarding for Your Dog

Finding quality boarding for your dog when you go out of town or away on vacation can be challenging. While it’s easy to just pick a kennel at random from a directory, you probably want to be sure your canine pal is properly cared for while you’re gone. And not all boarding facilities are alike. Here are a few tips on how to find a quality boarding facility to help ensure your dog has a pleasant stay while you’re gone:

Look for full service facilities
Check to see if separate living quarters are available for dogs and cats
Check to make sure the facility requires all pets to be vaccinated and parasite-free
Make one-on-one time and daily exercise are part of the package
If your dog requires special care, such as medications or a special diet make sure the facility can accommodate these needs

Knowing your dog is taken care of while you’re gone lets you rest easy. Be sure to contact your veterinary clinic Chesapeake VA for information on dog boarding facilities.

Friday 11 December 2020

Are You Making These Common Pet Owner Mistakes?


All of us strive to be the best pet owners we can possibly be. But everyone makes mistakes. All that matters is that you try to avoid them as best you can. It’s helpful to know what to watch out for so that you don’t make the same mistake twice!

One of the leading mistakes pet owners make is not keeping up with preventative medications. Having your pet wear a year-round heartworm medication and a flea and tick preventative are important steps to staying disease- and infestation-free. It’s also important that you feed your pet an appropriate diet that’s made for their age, breed, and size. Finally, don't forget to schedule regular checkups at the vet’s office. That way, your vet can examine your pet regularly and catch any health problems early on. 

Is your pet in need of an exam? Click here to get in touch with your veterinary clinic Chesapeake, VA.

Thursday 30 July 2020

How to Remove a Tick From Your Cat

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Did you know that there’s a wrong way and a right way to removing a tick from your cat? The wrong way is to just pull it off without a plan. The wrong way is to squeeze it when pulling it. You should also not twist the tick in every which direction to remove it. What’s the right way? Pull the tick off slowly and with a plan. If you yank it off or squeeze it then the venom and toxins can go back into the cat and cause further illness. Instead, use a pair of tweezers, a tick removing tool or your thumb and index finger. Grab hold of the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull straight up with steady and even pressure. Once it’s out, you need to kill it and then dispose of it. Talk to your vet clinic Chesapeake VA to learn more.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Feline grooming habits

Your cat likely spends a lot of time grooming herself. Why is this?

Your pet needs to be clean in order to feel comfortable and she takes this seriously. Your cat’s grooming habits are designed to help keep her fur tangle-free, to remove both dirt and debris, to eliminate shed fur from her coat, and to better understand her body so she can tend to her needs appropriately. Her tongue is made for this and does a rather good job. She will still need your assistance to stay well-groomed, as some areas are more difficult for her to reach than others and the shed fur she removes from her coat can build up in her system to cause hairballs. Regularly brushing her can help you get a better idea of what is needed to keep her as comfortable as she can be. For more information, please contact your local animal hospital Chesapeake VA.

Thursday 12 March 2020

Helping your dog participate in holiday activities

You have a dog in your life who means a lot to you and it’s important that she feels included in family activities. How can you help her get involved in holiday celebrations?

There are likely a lot of different activities taking place when holidays come around, so take a good look at them to determine which are pet-friendly and which could easily be made appropriate for your pet to take part in. Offer her some training and guidance if necessary to help her feel at ease in these situations. Encourage her to interact with you when these times roll around so she can get comfortable participating in holiday gatherings and really enjoy this special time with the rest of the family so you can create new traditions together. For more information, please contact your local vet clinic Chesapeake, VA.