Showing posts with label veterinary clinic Shreveport LA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinary clinic Shreveport LA. Show all posts

Monday 31 May 2021

Amphetamine Toxicity In Cats


Amphetamines, which are prescription drugs, are used when treating narcolepsy and ADHD/ADD in humans.  Amphetamines are also used for losing weight.  They can be acquired illegally as ecstasy, methamphetamine, and/or crystal meth.  If your cat swallows this, however, it can be extremely toxic.

In most amphetamine poisoning cases that involve cats, it is usually an accident, because of the pet swallowing pills dropped onto the floor.  Pet cats might also find and then swallow pills from medication bottles that are left on tables, countertops, and other cat-accessible areas.  Sometimes, the drug might also be administered to cats on purpose.

If your pet has just ingested amphetamine-based medication and she is not having seizures and is still quite ambulatory, you might want to induce vomiting with ipecac or hydrogen peroxide.  Check with your veterinarian Shreveport LA for additional directions. Activated charcoal might be employed for the adsorption of the poison within the animal’s stomach.  Pumping of the stomach or a gastric lavage might have to be done as well. Make an appointment today!

Wednesday 13 January 2021

How to Provide Long Term Care for a Dog with Epilepsy


veterinarian Shreveport, LA

Has your Golden Retrieve or other breed canines recently been diagnosed with epilepsy? If so, talk to your vet and find out about epilepsy and how it could possibly affect you and your Golden Retriever. Your vet is here to help you and your pup live as normal a lifestyle as possible. Your vet can help you better understand canine epilepsy, causes, symptoms, treatments, and management plans. In general, canine epilepsy can be a genetic disorder or one caused by underlying illnesses. With a proper diagnosis, care, and treatment, your vet can help both you and your dog adjust to life with epilepsy. Medications may be prescribed to help prevent seizures or slow down the frequency. Your vet may ask that you keep a daily record or journal of your dog’s seizure activities in order to keep your dog’s treatment as effective as possible. Always consult with your veterinarian Shreveport, LA when making a medical decision about your dog.