Showing posts with label veterinary clinic columbia md. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinary clinic columbia md. Show all posts

Monday 6 September 2021

Why Having Regular Play Times With Your Cat Is Important

Cats will thrive if they have playtimes regularly.  Play sessions like these are great chances for mental and physical stimulation and your pet to use her instincts.  One simple solution to fulfilling this need is to acquire another same-sex cat at around the same activity level and age to be your pet’s playmate.  But if acquiring another cat is not currently possible, you will have to set aside time to play with your cat at least two to three times per day.

Because cats like adhering to a set schedule daily, refrain from changing the time that you allot for play sessions.  Every session might range from ten to twenty minutes considering your cat’s activity levels.  Having some interactive toys like ones that are tied to poles or even just simple feathers can encourage your pet cat to exercise her predator instincts.

If you have concerns about your pet health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your veterinary clinic Columbia MD.

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Housing a Pet Ferret with Other Animals

 Ferret Care Guide | Long Island Avian and Exotic Veterinary Clinic

Ferrets make wonderful pets. They are playful, affectionate, and trainable. Though ferrets are friendly and can quickly bond with their owners, they are different when it comes to other animals. A ferret can stay in an enclosure with other ferrets. But because ferrets are carnivores, it is best to avoid having other small animals in the house, particularly pet birds, guinea pigs, or rabbits. In the wild, ferrets hunt small animals for food and eat their prey whole. Ferrets nowadays are already domesticated pets, but they still maintain their predatory instincts. If small animals are in the household, always keep close supervision to avoid contact between the ferret and the other animals. Ferrets can get along with big dogs and cats provided socialization was present at an early age. Pet owners should also closely keep an eye on children as ferrets tend to bite if not handled properly.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your vet Columbia MD.

Friday 3 January 2020

Helping your gerbil stay healthy

Your gerbil is an adorable little furball who counts on you to offer her the care she needs, even when she isn’t sure what that entails. How can you help her stay healthy in your care?

Your gerbil needs you to take a look at her care from a few different angles to make sure she gets everything required to lead a happy life. This means taking the time to figure out how you can offer her an enclosure she can meet most of her needs within and then bringing her outside of this space to socialize and get some exercise. Spend time with her and encourage healthy habits. Offer her an appropriate amount of nourishing food and take the time to eliminate any hazards from her reach. Your local animal hospital Columbia, MD can help you better understand your pet.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Ways to Hide a Litter Box in Plain Sight

In a perfect world, you could hide the litter box all the way down in the basement. Unfortunately, the world is far from perfect. Even if you have a basement, your cat isn’t likely to go all the way down there to use it! That doesn’t mean you have to be stuck staring at that box either.

Is there a closet that you aren’t using? Or maybe you can rearrange a few things to free up one end of the closet? Cats love litter boxes in the closet because it provides them with privacy, but it means you don’t have to look at it either!

End table litter boxes are a good solution if the box has to go in the living room. You can even find boxes with potted plants on the top!

Call your veterinary clinic Columbia, MD for more ideas on how to hide your litter box.