Hyperkeratosis could be a problem that is hereditary in dogs. If this is the case, then you cannot prevent it since the dog inherited it and is in his genes. To ensure that your dog does not have this condition, have his parents undergo testing. And because the issue could be an aftereffect of certain health conditions like zinc-responsive dermatosis, pemphigus foliaceus, leishmaniasis, and canine distemper, then you have to take steps that treat or prevent canine issues like these. This could then fix canine hyperkeratosis if your dog has the non-hereditary variant.
Hyperkeratosis is incurable but it could be managed so
that the quality of living of the animal is not compromised. If managed properly, hyperkeratosis will not
cause discomfort or pain to the dog.
Should your dog have hyperkeratosis, take him over to your pet
clinic Raleigh, NC regularly so that any
excess skin could be trimmed. Make an appointment today!