Showing posts with label veterinary hospital Carmel Valley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinary hospital Carmel Valley. Show all posts

Monday 6 March 2023

Why Microchip Your Cat?

Numerous cats get lost every day and most of their owners have a hard time finding them sadly, some cats are never found. Thus, most vets and pet owners recommend microchipping. 

A microchip is a technology used for pets to ensure that identification is attached to them and can be accessed anytime. This identification is used to locate their owners and contact them so that they can be reunited with their pets. Microchips are grainlike RFID that is injected into the cat's subcutaneous tissue between the shoulder blades.

In any case, if your cat gets lost and they have managed to reach a facility where they can scan the microchip, your details will access thru the system where they can retrieve your contact information. Microchips are very efficient, you can be sure that they won't get misplaced or lost unlike ID collars and tags which can easily be removed during movements. 

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your veterinary hospital Carmel Valley.

Thursday 29 December 2022

Interesting Information About Kuvaszok Dogs

When chained/tethered or housed inside a kennel, Kuvasz Dogs may become frustrated and aggressive. They need to run in spacious, well-fenced yards and have some long walks every day once they are fully grown. As with most guard dogs, these intelligent pups think for themselves, so they can be hard to train. Time, consistency, and patience are necessary.

Kuvasz Dogs are generally gentle to kids they grew up with, but puppies tend to be rambunctious. With that, beware of the fact that small kids may get knocked down. Meanwhile, they tend to see kids outside the family as threats. So when there are other kids around, it's necessary for owners to monitor their Kuvasz Dogs or put them somewhere secure. Also, don't let other people reprimand your dog. When they think that someone reprimanding them is not worthy, these dogs resent it.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your veterinary hospital Carmel Valley

Switching Pet Foods

There are different reasons why you will need to change your pet's food. It may be upon the recommendation of your vet, or you simply just wanted to explore other food types and brands. No matter what the reason is, changing your pet's meal plan is not usually as plain and simple as you think it is. It requires a lot of thought and consideration as changes like this may have an impact on your dog's health.

It is never okay to abruptly change your pet's food and it has to be done gradually. Below is a sample strategy that you can use when changing your pet's food:

  • On the first day, your pet's meal shall be composed of at least 1/4 of the new food and the rest shall be the old food.

  • On the second day, try to increase the amount of the new food to at least 1/2 of your pet's food.

  • On day three, the new food shall make 3/4 of your pet's meal.

  • On day four, you can give your pet the new food in full.

Do consult your vet Carmel Valley before starting your pet on a weight loss regimen.

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Contact Allergies In Pet Dogs


Contact allergies are the allergy type that is least common.  This allergy will happen if your dog comes into contact directly with allergens like grasses, lawn pesticides, flea collar pyrethrins, and materials (synthetics or woo) used in bedding or carpets.  Contact allergies could happen whatever age your pet is and could be against practically anything.

If your pet has allergies to any of the aforementioned substances, he will develop itching and irritation at the area where contact was made, typically his belly and feet.  Getting rid of the allergen after identification is often the solution.

Take caution, though, as allergy symptoms could be mistaken for other conditions or happen together with them.  And so, avoid diagnosing your pet yourself.  Seek veterinary assistance.  Prepare your pet for full diagnostic examinations so that the cause of the skin issues and itching can be identified.  If your vet concludes that it is an allergy, the entire family has to follow the instructions to the letter so that your pet’s discomfort will be successfully relieved.

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your pet clinic Carmel Valley

Atopy Or Inhalant Allergy In Pets?


Inhalant allergies pet dogs is a term that means atopy.  Inhaled allergens are mainly dust mites, mildew, molds, ragweed (weed pollen), grass pollen, and tree pollen (oak, cedar, ash, etc.).  Some of them are seasonal, like grass, ragweed, and cedar pollen.  But there are some that occur throughout the entire year, such as dust mites, molds, and mildew.  When a human inhales allergens like these, the resulting reaction primarily affects the upper respiratory system (exhibited as hay fever, sneezing, runny nose, etc.) and also runny eyes.  Even though allergic reactions include allergic bronchitis or rhinitis, with a lot of dogs, manifestations of inhalant energy include pruritus or itchy skin.  Because of these clinical indicators, the condition could also be called inhalant allergic dermatitis.  Your dog might start rubbing his face, scratching his underarms, and licking his feet. 

A lot of dogs that are affected by inhalant allergies will start to show indicators when they reach 1 - 3 years old.  Afflicted dogs would often have a reaction to various allergens and would frequently experience concurrent food or flea allergies.  Should the allergen be identifiable using intradermal tests (skin testing) or perhaps blood tests, your dog has to be shielded from being exposed to these identified allergens in the best way possible.  Since a lot of the allergens are mainly environmental, it could be challenging and recurring incidents are possible.  Atopy symptoms could be managed, but permanent cures are usually not possible.

Frequent allergy flare-ups must be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Carmel Valley

Thursday 5 May 2022

Protecting Your Pet From Skin Cancer


Cats who love the sun have the risk of having solar dermatitis, which may develop into skin cancer, specifically malignant tumors or squamous cell carcinomas. Skin cancer is most prevalent in white-furred cats that spend a lot of time outdoors. Solar dermatitis is typically seen on thin skin areas like the ears, face, or nose.

Many types of skin cancer occur in dogs, but among the most prevalent are malignant melanoma, squamous carcinoma, and hemangioma. The American Kennel Club says that sunburn worsens autoimmune skin diseases and allergies.

You may use human sunscreens safely on pets. But choose carefully, as they may lick the sunscreen. Here are the things to look for in a sunscreen for your pet:

●Can protect against a wide range of spectrums from UVA to UVB

●Non-toxic and no PABA, zinc, and salicylates (aspirin-related chemicals)




●Easy to apply

You can also ask your nearest veterinarian Carmel Valley for a safe yet effective sunscreen product for your pet. 

Tuesday 22 February 2022

Most Common Household Items To Stop Nail Bleeding In Dogs


There are many items at home that you can use as alternatives for styptic powder. And you may be surprised that they function to stop the bleeding of your dog's nails. Here are some of them:

●Baking soda




You can use the items mentioned to stop the bleeding of your dog's nails. But remember that these items do not work as fast as styptic powder. Instead, you need to apply more pressure to the affected area to stop the bleeding. 

When using these alternative items, you need to do some preparation first. Start by pouring powder into your hand. After that, dip your dog's nail into the powder. If the bleeding does not stop, wipe your dog's nail, then try again. You can also use a damp cloth to make the bleeding stop faster. Do this until you stop the bleeding.

Make an appointment at your veterinary hospital Carmel Valley for your pet’s health and dental checks.