Showing posts with label vets Tipp City OH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vets Tipp City OH. Show all posts

Saturday 31 October 2020

Potential Causes Of Sneezing In Puppies

Has your beloved puppy been sneezing a lot lately? Sneezing is a form of involuntary response to the dog's respiratory system. Sneezing is typically a response to an underlying irritant found in the dog's upper airways (mucus membranes). You might be bothered but sneezing from time to time is completely healthy and normal because there are many potential irritants around the house or wherever the dog frequents. Having said that, it may come from something more serious if sneezing is recurring, or if it comes with gagging, runny nose, or a snorting sound. There is a variety of potential causes of sneezing, and it may include problems such as tumors, viral infections, seasonal allergies, or even foreign objects found along the dog's nasal passages. In the case of puppies, sneezing might be related to a particular type of respiratory tract infection. In other cases, distemper virus or kennel cough could be the culprit.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment at your animal hospital Tipp City, OH.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Aspergillosis In Birds

 vets tipp city oh
Aspergillosis is caused by a type of fungus which can be found almost everywhere in the environment. They can easily be spread through their pores that can become airborne and be breathed in by birds. Inhalatio of aspergillus spores don’t really cause any trouble except when the bird has a weak immune system as a result of stress, illness, or medication.

The acute form of aspergillosis has a sudden onset and is characterized by difficulty breathing, increased water intake and urination, bluish membranes of the mouth as a result of lack of oxygen from the lungs. The bird may lose its voice or there might be a distinct change in his voice. Sometimes, a bird may have the peracute form in which it may suddenly collapse and die without any warning. But generally, most cases of aspergillosis in birds are gradual in onset and asymptomatic.

Aspergillosis cases in birds usually have a poor prognosis, and the treatment regimen can be very stressful to them. Euthanasia is often recommended for many cases of aspergillosis.

Talk to your vet Tipp City, OH about the best way to protect your pet bird against aspergillosis. For more information visit the website.

Monday 3 December 2018

How Hairless Cats Keep Regulate Their Core Temperature

The haircoat serves a variety of functions. One of these is its thermo-regulatory function, that is, it plays a very important role in helping the cat’s body maintain its core body temperature. The so-called hairless cat still have hairs on their body but these are very sparse. Thus, they don’t have the same protection that cats with haircoats have when it comes to environmental extremes. Since they don’t have the optimum thermo-regulatory function of a body that is well covered with hairs, the body of hairless cats adapted to this lack of hair by having a high rate of metabolism. With a higher rate of metabolism, hairless cats need to consume higher quantities of premium quality pet food than most cats in order to meet their body’s higher needs for energy.

A sudden change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should prompt an appointment with your animal hospital Tipp City, OH sooner rather than later

Monday 17 September 2018

Taking Care of Elderly Guinea Pigs

You may need to change up your guinea pig’s daily activities and eating habits as he grows older. Guinea pigs have a typical lifespan of 4 to 8 years. Some have been known to live longer. Guinea pigs are considered to be seniors around the age of 4 or 5. As your guinea pig ages you may notice him slowing down or having difficulty jumping to the second level of his cage. Consider adding a little ramp to help him or remove the second floor altogether. Your cavy may also eat his food slower. Have your vet check the guinea pig’s teeth to ensure they are still strong enough to eat pelleted foods. You may need to moisten the food with warm water before serving. Your guinea pig may also become constipated at times. Talk with your vets Tipp City, OH to find out what you can give your cavy to make going to the bathroom easier.

Monday 30 July 2018

Floor time and your gerbil

You love your gerbil and you want to make sure she is getting all the attention she needs from you. What should you offer her for floor time to make sure this happens?

Floor time may seem like something fun to you, but it is something absolutely essential to your pet’s health. This doesn’t mean she won’t enjoy it, but it does mean that it shouldn’t be treated lightly. Find some fun activities to offer your pet at this time to help her get some exercise, enjoy the change of scenery, and have some time to socialize. This should be offered to her each and every day to ensure she is able to make the most of her waking hours and get what she needs to be both physically and mentally happy. For additional information, please contact your vets local Tipp City, OH.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Eye Injuries in Ferrets

Ferrets are small rodent looking animals that are kept as pets in the U.S. and around the world. Despite their rodent resemblance, the ferret is not part of the rodent family. Instead, the ferret is part of the weasel family. Unlike the weasel, ferrets are small creatures. They are also furry and they love to play and run around. Ferrets often find themselves in tight situations where they either become stuck or find themselves face to face with larger animals or larger household pets. Injuries are common in ferrets because of their size. Eye injuries in particular are common. Signs of an eye injury include watery eyes, crusty eyes, discharge of the eyes, cloudy eyes and even excessive scratching of the eyes. If your ferret has any of these symptoms, call your Tipp City, Oh veterinarian and schedule a checkup right away. It’s better to have the eye looked at then let it go and possibly become infected.