Showing posts with label vets dahlonega ga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vets dahlonega ga. Show all posts

Friday 14 May 2021

Wood Shavings For Hamster Beddings

veterinarian Dahlonega GA

The most popular hamster bedding material is wood shavings.  But not all kinds of wood chips or shavings are healthy for hamsters.  Do not use pine and cedarwood because these have phenol chemicals.  These may cause your pet to develop liver and respiratory problems.  Opt instead for safer hardwood shavings like a pen.  Wood has certain drawbacks though, like the fact that it is not quite as absorbent, therefore requiring you to clean the cage’s bathroom area, unless you are willing to teach your hamster how to utilize litter boxes.  In addition.  If your hamster is a long-haired breed, the shavings of wood can get tangled in the fur.

The soiled bedding must be removed then replaced weekly.  And every month, most of your pet’s bedding must be changed then replaced.  Leave some of the previous bedding to mix in with the new bedding so that your hamster’s scent will still be present.  Doing so will reduce the possibility of stressing your pet out.

Your veterinarian Dahlonega, GA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs. 

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Why Do Cockatiels Have Curved Beaks?


vets Dahlonega GA

If you have seen a cockatiel, you might have noticed its unique curved beak. It is curved at the end instead of the pointed end just like other birds. This odd shaped-beak serves plenty of purpose for the bird.

If you own a cockatiel, you might have handled a cockatiel and got your finger hooked in its bill more than once. Here are some of the ways a cockatiel uses its curved beak:

· To climb trees, perches, or curtains and cage sidings when indoors

· Wild cockatiels use their beak to help in climbing trees, as well

· It becomes a hook to help carry its weight when going up across a high place

Now that you know how a cockatiel uses its curved beak, you might want to watch how you act around it. If it feels threatened, it might use its beak to attack you.

Any concern you may have with your pet should be brought to the attention of your vets Dahlonega, GA. 

Friday 11 December 2020

Preventing Thrush in Horses


If you are familiar with horses, you are likely aware of what thrush is and the dangers it presents. Thrush is basically a bacterial infection in the hoof. Left untreated, it can cause permanent damage to a horse's hooves, potentially rendering that horse unrideable.

There are some things you can do to help reduce the odds of your horse getting thrush. First and foremost, keep up with your horse's hoof cleanings and trims. Pick your horse's hooves out at least once a day, and before and after turnout and riding. Your farrier and vet will be able to recommend a schedule for trims. It’s also very important to keep stalls clean and provide fresh, dry bedding daily. Wet and/or muddy conditions often contribute to thrush, so it's also important to address any drainage issues. Finally, make sure that your horse is getting enough exercise and turnout time. 

For more information on preventing and treating thrush, reach out to your vet Dahlonega GA today!

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Litter Box Problems In Pet Cats

Many cats are fussy creatures, so much so they would get their "business" done someplace else if they have any problem with their litter box. The following are some things to keep in mind when it comes to litter box problems.

In a multi-cat household, you need to have enough cat litter box. There is a simple rule which says you need to have an extra litter box when you have many cats. For instance, you need to have six litter boxes in your house if you have five cats. The more the merrier, the more alternatives there are for your beloved cats.

You need to keep the litter box squeaky clean, otherwise, your beloved cat (whose nose is extremely sensitive) would avoid using his litter box if it is not maintained well. You should scoop the urine and poop at least two to three times daily.

A sudden change in your pet’s litter box habits should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Dahlonega GA.