Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Caval Syndrome in Cats

Have you tested your feline for heartworm disease? Ask your vet about heartworm testing. Heartworms are long worms that invade the heart and cause damage to major organs including the hearts and lungs. It’s important to have your cat tested at least once a year and have your cat on a monthly heartworm preventative. Cats that are diagnosed with heartworm disease may already be suffering from symptoms like coughing, asthma, vomiting, decreased appetite, and weight loss. Some cats may also have trouble walking, fainting, seizures, and the buildup of fluid in the abdomen may also develop. In addition, the disease can sometimes cause a secondary disease called Caval Syndrome. Signs of this illness may include labored breathing, pale gums, and bloody or brown colored urine. Surgery is needed to remove the heartworm blockage causing Caval Syndrome. Talk to your vet Ellicott City, MD to learn more.

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

What to Know About the Siamese Cat

If you are interested in the Siamese cat, but you don’t know much about the breed then you’re in the right place. The Siamese cat is a slender, regal, and graceful cat that originated among royalty in Siam or present day Thailand. There are actually two different types of Siamese cats. One is the traditional breed and the other is the modern day Siamese breed. Traditional breeds are of a fuller figure and an apple shaped head. The modern breed is more of a slender breed with a sleek appearance. No matter the breed type, all Siamese cats are partially albino and are born completely white. The turn color as the age with color points on the head, tail and feet. Color points include seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, lynx, and tourtie. The Siamese breed is a great family pet. They are simple to train and very smart as well as playful. Talk to your veterinary clinic Norwalk, CA to learn more.

Monday, 27 January 2020

Choosing a type of chicken to look after

You want to bring some chickens into your life and you are eager to look after some feathery friends. How can you tell which breed to bring home for your family? 

Looking after any animal comes with a certain degree of commitment and plenty of thought. This is because you will have to make sure that you can properly look after the feathery friends you bring home and that you are choosing the breed that will fit into your plans as a chicken owner. Different breeds will have different capabilities, needs, and preferences, so be aware of what you can handle with relative ease in order to make sure you don’t get in over your head. This will help you make the most of your time with your new birds. Your local vet clinic Wichita, KS can help you care for your pet. Visit this site for more information.

Creating space for your cat to play

Your cat is a wonderful companion and you want to make sure you are able to offer her plenty of space to get up and moving on a regular basis. How can you create a spot for her to play within your home?

It’s important to think about how your cat plays and what she needs to be satisfied with these activities. This will help you better understand her space needs when creating an area for her to call home. She will likely use playtime as a way to get the exercise her body needs, so keep an eye out for areas in your home that can be opened up to allow her to run, jump, and climb in addition to chasing after toys. Your local  reputed vet clinic Washington DC can help you care for your pet. Visit this site for more information.

Walking your dog when it’s dark outside

Your dog is an excellent friend and you want to make sure you get out into the fresh air to give her a walk each and every day. Sometimes this may mean heading out while it’s dark outside. What should you consider when doing so?

It’s important to take the time to look at your walking route before it gets dark, as this will allow you to get a glimpse of things you may miss in the lower light. Your goal is to enjoy a safe trip out with your pet to offer her some time in the great outdoors and some exercise as well. Make sure that you are out of harm’s way with her and that you have plenty of light to see where you are heading, as this may mean bringing along your own way to supply your lighting. For more information, please contact your local vet clinic Washington DC or click here.

Why your cat is frightened by loud noises

You have a cat in your life who tends to be brave at most times, but can often be frightened by loud noises. Why is this?

Your pet may show you that she is fearless in some respects, but others may cause her to instinctually seek out a hiding spot. Loud noises are something she will flee from, as she needs to feel safe in order to stay where she is. Noise can startle her and signal that danger may be nearby. Her wild ancestors used this as a warning sign that predators were nearby, so they would head for cover. Your pet will instinctually try and get to safety first before evaluating what’s happening around her and determining what her next action will be. For more information on caring for a pet like this, please contact your local best vet Washington DC.

How a pet can impact your life

You have always loved the idea of bringing a pet into your home and you are eager to look after a companion of your very own. This makes you wonder – how can a pet impact your life? 

Caring for a pet means that you will be bringing your new addition into your daily routine, which will allow her to really become a close member of your family. You will be able to form a relationship with your pet and this will give you the opportunity to form a close bond with her. You will be able to care for her regularly and help her thrive in your care. This will include taking part in new and different activities that you might not otherwise have the opportunity to take part in. For more information, please give your local vet clinic Wichita, KS a call.