Showing posts with label vet ellicott city md. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet ellicott city md. Show all posts

Sunday 9 January 2022

Managing The Weight Of Your Pet Elderly Cat

Starting at eleven years old, most cats have a tendency to gradually lose body weight.  Elderly cats losing weight not related to a disease is called “sarcopenia.”  It could be linked to a reduced-calorie intake or a reduced appetite because of a reduced sense of taste and smell.  If age-related weight loss is associated with the loss of strength and muscle mass as well as chronic diseases, it is called “cachexia.”  And so regular veterinary appointments become important so that any underlying health issues are detected early on and management strategies can be identified properly and/or help with aging without sacrificing health.

 Movement and mobility

Even though elderly cats frequently have their mobility reduced, maintaining some form of activity is essential to your pet’s mental and physical health.  You can employ various strategies to encourage your elderly cat to engage in self-entertainment through movement, and interactive play.  These activities could be made to fit your elderly cat’s situation, activity level, and condition.

Your senior pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Ellicott City, MD. Click here to know more about their services. 

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Turtles and Their Lifespan


Turtles are known to have a long life. Compared to other pets, you can expect a turtle to live longer. Here are some members of the turtle family and their life expectancy:

       Tortoise – 50 to 100 years

       Water turtle – 40 years

       Red-eared turtle – 30 years 

Of course, the life expectancy of your pet turtle will depend on its species, the food it eats, and other factors in the environment. You can control some aspects of the environment to ensure that your pet will live longer.

When turtles receive optimum care, they will have a long life. Remember that when your pet can survive the first few years of its life, then it has the potential to live longer. You need to control some factors to ensure that the turtle will survive longer. When you take good care of your pet, then you and your pet might even grow old together.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require an appointment with your local animal hospital Ellicott City, MD.

Saturday 17 April 2021

Paper Shavings Make Excellent Beddings For Pets

Animal enclosures usually have bedding that is placed on the floor. The bedding material is used to absorb moisture in the enclosure. The same material also removes any odors that the pet produces.

Paper shavings have emerged as a favorite choice for bedding. These are the reasons for its popularity:

       Paper shavings absorb moisture effectively

       Paper shavings are cheaper compared with other available materials

       Paper shavings do not produce clouds of dust

       Paper shavings absorb odor inside the enclosure 

Recycled papers are the most effective bedding. But don’t choose materials made from recycled newspapers because the quality of paper is not par with others. The ink coming from the paper can also get messy. In the past, paper shavings were mostly used in horses' stables. Nowadays, paper shaving is used in the household as bedding material for small domesticated pets. Paper shavings are space savers because these only expand when taken out of the package. The price is also easy on the pocket.

Make an appointment with your animal hospital Ellicott City, MD if you have concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior.

Monday 1 February 2021

Managing Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety


Dogs that have developed a powerful bond or those who have above average attachment to their owners could suffer from separation anxiety.  They tend to display signs of anxiety and nervousness when they become separated from a family member or their owner.  Such signs include incessant barking, destructive behavior, lethargy, or potty accidents.

Symptoms of separation anxiety are usually observed when the dog’s owner makes preparations to leave. Going potty, profuse panting, being destructive, excessive salivation, and refusal to eat are just some of these symptoms.  Other signs include becoming quiet and reserved.  Dogs like these tend to display extreme excitement upon the owner’s return. This anxiety can be dealt with using the same methods employed with other variations of anxiety.

You should take steps in familiarizing your dog with a routine when you prepare to leave, the actual moment of your leaving, and the time of your return.  Your dog should eventually adapt and accept lengthy periods where there is no one to provide him attention even when you are present at home.

Consulting with your vets Ellicott City MD is always best when there are modifications to your pet’s routine or behavior.

Monday 4 January 2021

Open Litter Boxes For Cats: Pros And Cons


 The most common type of litter box for cats is the open type. It is a tray that has a litter in it and with enough space for your cat to eliminate comfortably.

 Using the open litter box advantages:

     The cheaper type of litter box compared to other types and will be able to suit your budget.

     Refilling litter, disinfecting, and cleaning is easier to do with open type ones.

     It’s accessible and easier to get in and out of so your cat might prefer it over the other types of litter boxes; they are also able to look for possible predators or threats that could be present in the surroundings while they are vulnerable and eliminating.

Disadvantages of using the open litter box:

     Your cat could prefer having more privacy while eliminating thus would not like an open area.

     You will have to clean it more often because the foul odor is not contained within.

     Cats could eliminate outside of it because they are looking for a comfortable position and miss the insides of the box.

A sudden change in your pet’s litter box habits or elimination problems should require a visit to your local animal hospital Ellicott City MD


Friday 11 December 2020

What Causes Obesity In Pet Rabbits?


vet Ellicott City MD

Pet rabbits that are mostly kept at the confines of their enclosure, with less time outdoors will struggle with obesity. Consuming excessive amounts of calories than they can manage to burn off with physical activities is a risk factor for obesity. Rabbits can pack on extra pounds if fed with sugary treats. Treats only add more calories to your rabbit’s daily food intake limit. Practice moderation when feeding them. Fruits and vegetables are healthier substitutes if you do offer them treats. Rabbit owners should give their pet rabbits some freedom to spend some time outside their respective enclosures. This would allow them to actively act based on their instinctive behavior of jumping and hopping around from time to time. Before allowing them to escape, check if the room is already rabbit-proofed to prevent unwanted accidents from happening.

Is it possible to know when your pet rabbit has gained some weight? As it turns out, there are established standards set for each rabbit breed. Based on these standards, the normal body weight and size of the breed serves as the basis for body condition score determination. Veterinarians are quite familiar with this process; you can ask your vet Ellicott City, MD should you need help.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Causes and Remedies For Your Dog’s Swollen Paws

Dogs naturally love to go outside and play. From time to time, it’s normal for them to stray from our homes and do lots of things. While outside they’re going to be stepping on different terrains. It’s not uncommon for our dog’s paws to catch some debris or worse, sharp objects such as thorns, between their paws. If your dog has difficulty walking, be keen to spot this so you can remove the foreign object or take her to the nearest vet to be treated. However, there may be other reasons why your dog is limping. Here are some reasons why:
  • Allergies
  • Hard impact while running or walking over different terrain
  • Bee or wasp stings
  • Burns and blisters from walking over hot surfaces
  • Problems affecting the heart
  • Presence of foreign bodies
  • Infection
  • Broken or injured toe
  • Tumors on his paws
To properly remedy any ailment, determining the root cause should be done. If inflammation is observed only in one paw, three possibilities arise; a small object is lodged between its toes, a bee sting or an injury. Whatever it may be, don’t hesitate to have a closer look to know what’s going on. If you haven’t the slightest idea what’s causing the ailment, go straight to your vets Ellicott City MD.

Wednesday 29 January 2020

Caval Syndrome in Cats

Have you tested your feline for heartworm disease? Ask your vet about heartworm testing. Heartworms are long worms that invade the heart and cause damage to major organs including the hearts and lungs. It’s important to have your cat tested at least once a year and have your cat on a monthly heartworm preventative. Cats that are diagnosed with heartworm disease may already be suffering from symptoms like coughing, asthma, vomiting, decreased appetite, and weight loss. Some cats may also have trouble walking, fainting, seizures, and the buildup of fluid in the abdomen may also develop. In addition, the disease can sometimes cause a secondary disease called Caval Syndrome. Signs of this illness may include labored breathing, pale gums, and bloody or brown colored urine. Surgery is needed to remove the heartworm blockage causing Caval Syndrome. Talk to your vet Ellicott City, MD to learn more.

Friday 9 August 2019

Heartworm In Dogs

Heartworm disease affects both cats and dogs, but primarily dogs. It is caused by the mosquito-borne parasite known as Dirofilaria immitis. The adult heartworms dwell in the right chamber of the heart and major blood vessels that connect the heart and lungs. The presence of the worms has a negative impact on heart function and lung capacity. Heartworm infection can cause death in pets.

Some cats and dogs that carry heartworms don’t show any clinical symptoms, making them asymptomatic carriers. If clinical signs are manifested, the problem is already well-advanced and is more difficult and challenging to treat. Affected pets may have a chronic cough, have poor tolerance to exercise and in rare occasions, sudden death may occur.

Prevention is very important than treatment when it comes to protecting your pet against infection. Talk to your vet Ellicott City, MD about the best way to protect your pet against heartworms. Learn more here.

Monday 3 June 2019

Vomiting In Cats And Dogs

While mild and isolated cases of vomiting are not really much of a concern, severe or persistent bouts of vomiting need to be checked out by a veterinarian. There is a very long list of potential causes of vomiting. On top of the list are a dietary indiscretion, sudden changes in the diet, heavy parasite load, poisoning, a side effect to medication, infections, food intolerance, and a whole lot of other issues. Because there are so many potential reasons, a visit to your vet clinic is highly recommended, especially in serious cases. But if your pet appears active and alert with only occasion vomiting, the problem may resolve on its own but be sure to monitor your pet closely. After each vomiting episode, offer water in small amounts frequently to encourage your pet to drink. Food is best withheld for several hours after an episode. When there are vomiting and diarrhea, veterinary attention should be sought immediately because the animal may be at risk of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Certain health issues may cause chronic vomiting and a visit to your veterinarians Ellicott City, MD can help identify the underlying cause so the appropriate treatment can be given.

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Can Diatomaceous Earth Be Used For Flea Control

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a traditional way of controlling insects including fleas and mites. It is made up of a type of algae called diatoms that have been fossilized. Diatoms have cell walls that is made up of silica which has a glass-like property, thus giving the cell walls glass-sharp edges. The edges can pierce the hard outer shell (also called exoskeleton) of insects, thereby killing them.

Diatomaceous earth is safe for use around pets and people. It is often spread on any surface, even carpets and pet bedding. However, there is a need to vacuum the area daily to remove DE and the dead fleas. The downsides of using DE include being messy and it can also irritate eyes and throat. It is also less effective in environments that are wet and humid .Putting on a mask before spreading the DE on the floor or any surface can help prevent the problem. It’s a good idea to consult your animal hospital Ellicott City, MD regarding flea or tick preventatives that can be used safely on your pet.