Friday 11 December 2020

What Causes Obesity In Pet Rabbits?


vet Ellicott City MD

Pet rabbits that are mostly kept at the confines of their enclosure, with less time outdoors will struggle with obesity. Consuming excessive amounts of calories than they can manage to burn off with physical activities is a risk factor for obesity. Rabbits can pack on extra pounds if fed with sugary treats. Treats only add more calories to your rabbit’s daily food intake limit. Practice moderation when feeding them. Fruits and vegetables are healthier substitutes if you do offer them treats. Rabbit owners should give their pet rabbits some freedom to spend some time outside their respective enclosures. This would allow them to actively act based on their instinctive behavior of jumping and hopping around from time to time. Before allowing them to escape, check if the room is already rabbit-proofed to prevent unwanted accidents from happening.

Is it possible to know when your pet rabbit has gained some weight? As it turns out, there are established standards set for each rabbit breed. Based on these standards, the normal body weight and size of the breed serves as the basis for body condition score determination. Veterinarians are quite familiar with this process; you can ask your vet Ellicott City, MD should you need help.

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