Saturday 12 December 2020

How You Can Deal With Cat Dander

vet Carmel Valley

There are a lot of people that get allergic to cats and think the root cause is the fur of these cats. The truth is, the root cause or culprit is a certain protein found in the dander of these cats.

Dander in cats is created in a really simple way. When cats lick their bodies during a grooming session, their saliva gets deposited or stays in the body area which got licked. Sooner or later, the saliva gets dry and flakes off, forming dander which later goes airborne. Aside from getting airborne, dander gets left in surfaces where the cat rubs against and places where the cat frequents, which coincidentally are some places where people in the household stay or frequent.

The following are some quick tips to cut down the dander in your surroundings:

     You can try vacuuming the hair coat of your beloved cat. This will suck up a lot of dander and loose hair.

     Bath your cat at least once weekly

Any skin or hair coat problem should be brought to the attention of your vet Carmel Valley. 

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