Friday 25 December 2020

Brushing Your Cat


vet clinic Goodyear AZ

Our feline friends are very clean pets. They can spend as much as a third of the time they're actually awake grooming themselves. However, your cat will still benefit from a helping hand.

When you brush your cat, you remove dead fur and dander from her coat. This will help keep her comfortable, as these things make her furless effective at keeping her warm or cool. Plus, your kitty will swallow less fur. That directly translates to fewer hairballs, which is a plus for both you and your cat.

Pick a time when your pet is relaxed, and start petting her. Then, incorporate the brush. Many cats like being pampered. However, if your cat decides she's had enough after just a few minutes, let her go. Don’t force her to submit: that may just get you scratched.

For more tips on grooming your feline pal, contact your vet clinic Goodyear, AZ.

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