Showing posts with label vet clinic ellicott city md. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic ellicott city md. Show all posts

Friday 13 January 2023

Handling Pet Lizards

Most pet lizards would not appreciate being handled and actually cannot be handled at all.  If a lizard gets picked up or handled by something bigger, even if it is you, its owner, it will feel like it is about to take its last breath. 

Another disadvantage to handling a pet lizard on a personal level is that these animals have a tendency to bite.  The bite may or may not cause pain or require medical attention depending on the lizard’s type and size.  No matter how tame the lizard is, it could still feel threatened, sending hormones surging, resulting in aggressive behavior.

Knowing the above, you can try to handle your pet lizard, but it might not be good for both you and your pet.  And if you do handle your pet or have been working on its enclosure, remember to wash your hands after doing so.  This habit will minimize Salmonella infections.  Salmonella is a bacterium that causes illness in humans and is frequently carried by amphibians and reptiles.

There are some lizards that might get used to handling like the bearded dragons and savannah monitors.  Both species can be acquired readily from pet stores with a relatively low initial cost for young specimens.

Your vet clinic Ellicott City, MD is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being.

Saturday 21 May 2022

Why Pet Owners Should Take Ticks Seriously

It's worth noting that ticks have different species and that not all of them carry diseases. But the ticks we often find on our pets are in a different league. They're not only capable of carrying diseases, but these ticks can also transmit those diseases to humans.

Some of the symptoms you might experience include joint swelling, anemia, and fever. If that's not bad enough, consider that a tick can also give you paralysis. Can you imagine being immobile for several minutes, at least? Fortunately, these phenomena fade away soon after you receive treatment.

If your current neighborhood is a haven for ticks and you can't move out because of budget constraints, scan your pet's body every day. You must remove any tick you see on the spot because allowing them to multiply will cost you your animal's health.

Try to use pest-removing shampoos, and don't overdo it. Too much can also irritate your fur baby's skin, which would defeat the purpose. When going for walks, don't let your pet wander around, especially if there are bushes nearby. A thorough cleaning of the house would also help. Do it at least once a week.

Consult your veterinarian Ellicott City, MD about the best way to eliminate ticks from your pet and for protection from future infestations.

Monday 28 February 2022

Puppy Training Tip: Choose A Good Puppy Training Location

Potty training can be a challenging task for pet owners. When training your dog how to eliminate correctly, choosing a proper puppy training setting is critical since it reinforces the significance of not allowing your dog to go wherever it pleases. When your pup cannot go outdoors right away, you may use training pads to emphasize which areas are acceptable to use.
One way to be successful in potty training is firmness. Try to keep the potty in just one place for consistency whenever your puppy goes outdoors. If your yard is fenced in, keep your puppy leashed for a few months to set expectations. It is best to take it to the exact location each time so that your pet will regard that space as the official potty site that it should use when it needs to eliminate. Your puppy may attempt to push back, but stay strong and insist that it use the potty in the exact location.
Consult your animal hospital Ellicott City MD about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues.

Sunday 23 May 2021

Cornish Rex Cats and Feal and Tick Prevention

Cats like the Cornish Rex can get fleas and ticks just like canines, If your Cornish Rex spends a lot of time outdoors then he may be more prone to picking up fleas and ticks. A great way to prevent this is to place your cat on a flea and tick prevention program. If you’re not sure if your cat is already on such a program, give your vet a call to find out. There are a variety of options available including topical or injectable monthly treatments, monthly oral treatments, and flea and tick collars. Most indoor cats only require basic treatment plans while outdoor cats require a more aggressive plan. If your cat already has fleas or ticks, call your vet and find out how to rid your pet and home of the fleas as well. Ask your veterinary clinic Ellicott City MD about a placing your cat on a prevention program.

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Turtles and Their Lifespan


Turtles are known to have a long life. Compared to other pets, you can expect a turtle to live longer. Here are some members of the turtle family and their life expectancy:

       Tortoise – 50 to 100 years

       Water turtle – 40 years

       Red-eared turtle – 30 years 

Of course, the life expectancy of your pet turtle will depend on its species, the food it eats, and other factors in the environment. You can control some aspects of the environment to ensure that your pet will live longer.

When turtles receive optimum care, they will have a long life. Remember that when your pet can survive the first few years of its life, then it has the potential to live longer. You need to control some factors to ensure that the turtle will survive longer. When you take good care of your pet, then you and your pet might even grow old together.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require an appointment with your local animal hospital Ellicott City, MD.

Saturday 17 April 2021

Paper Shavings Make Excellent Beddings For Pets

Animal enclosures usually have bedding that is placed on the floor. The bedding material is used to absorb moisture in the enclosure. The same material also removes any odors that the pet produces.

Paper shavings have emerged as a favorite choice for bedding. These are the reasons for its popularity:

       Paper shavings absorb moisture effectively

       Paper shavings are cheaper compared with other available materials

       Paper shavings do not produce clouds of dust

       Paper shavings absorb odor inside the enclosure 

Recycled papers are the most effective bedding. But don’t choose materials made from recycled newspapers because the quality of paper is not par with others. The ink coming from the paper can also get messy. In the past, paper shavings were mostly used in horses' stables. Nowadays, paper shaving is used in the household as bedding material for small domesticated pets. Paper shavings are space savers because these only expand when taken out of the package. The price is also easy on the pocket.

Make an appointment with your animal hospital Ellicott City, MD if you have concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior.

Friday 11 December 2020

What Causes Obesity In Pet Rabbits?


vet Ellicott City MD

Pet rabbits that are mostly kept at the confines of their enclosure, with less time outdoors will struggle with obesity. Consuming excessive amounts of calories than they can manage to burn off with physical activities is a risk factor for obesity. Rabbits can pack on extra pounds if fed with sugary treats. Treats only add more calories to your rabbit’s daily food intake limit. Practice moderation when feeding them. Fruits and vegetables are healthier substitutes if you do offer them treats. Rabbit owners should give their pet rabbits some freedom to spend some time outside their respective enclosures. This would allow them to actively act based on their instinctive behavior of jumping and hopping around from time to time. Before allowing them to escape, check if the room is already rabbit-proofed to prevent unwanted accidents from happening.

Is it possible to know when your pet rabbit has gained some weight? As it turns out, there are established standards set for each rabbit breed. Based on these standards, the normal body weight and size of the breed serves as the basis for body condition score determination. Veterinarians are quite familiar with this process; you can ask your vet Ellicott City, MD should you need help.

Friday 6 November 2020

Grooming Long-Haired Cats


vets Ellicott City, MD

Did you know that shedding is a common problem for many pet owners whether they own dogs, cats, rabbits, or even guinea pigs? If you’re having trouble with a shedding dog or cat don’t worry. Chances are you’re not the only one. If shedding is out of control for your cat, you may need to take a trip to a local groomer for professional assistance. Long-haired cats especially need routine brushing and grooming to not only maintain a healthy coat, but to also keep the shedding down as much as possible. Shedding, for most cats, is typical, but if you notice your cat shedding much more than usual, call your vet. Your cat may just have an extremely messy shedding season or he could be coming down with an illness or skin allergy that is causing the excessive shedding. Learn more by clicking here or contacting your vets Ellicott City, MD.

Friday 29 May 2020

What Makes Dog Noses Extraordinary?

Dogs depend a lot on their sense of smell to learn more about their surroundings. That’s why a dog keeps on taking breaks during leash walks to sniff things out. This gem of knowledge can stop pet owners from being tempted to drag their dogs along during walks.

While all dogs are known for their excellent sense of smell, some breeds are far more superior when it comes to their sense of smell compared to other breeds. Hound breed dogs top the list of canine breeds with the best olfactory sense. Working dogs like Labrador retrievers and doberman pinschers also have outstanding smelling activities. Dogs with short faces, like the pug, may not be as sensitive to odors compared to hounds because the structure of their nasal passages compromise their airways as well as their ability to smell. Your veterinarian Ellicott City, MD is a valuable source of information about your pet’s health and behavior. Make an appointment today!

Saturday 23 November 2019

Creating a space for your cat to play

pet clinic Ellicott City, MD

Your cat needs to play on a daily basis in order to stay mentally stimulated and physically active. How can you create a space for her to do this?

Your pet needs you to take the time to think about your living space and offer her an area where she can safely play. This should be away from hazards and have enough space for her to run around and enjoy herself. She will likely want to mimic hunting activities, like chasing after and pouncing on toys, so make sure she is able to do this within the space you choose. This should be a comfortable area where she can enjoy time with family members as well. Offer her plenty of toys to utilize here to help keep her entertained. For additional information, please contact your local pet clinic Ellicott City, MD.

Monday 3 June 2019

Vomiting In Cats And Dogs

While mild and isolated cases of vomiting are not really much of a concern, severe or persistent bouts of vomiting need to be checked out by a veterinarian. There is a very long list of potential causes of vomiting. On top of the list are a dietary indiscretion, sudden changes in the diet, heavy parasite load, poisoning, a side effect to medication, infections, food intolerance, and a whole lot of other issues. Because there are so many potential reasons, a visit to your vet clinic is highly recommended, especially in serious cases. But if your pet appears active and alert with only occasion vomiting, the problem may resolve on its own but be sure to monitor your pet closely. After each vomiting episode, offer water in small amounts frequently to encourage your pet to drink. Food is best withheld for several hours after an episode. When there are vomiting and diarrhea, veterinary attention should be sought immediately because the animal may be at risk of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Certain health issues may cause chronic vomiting and a visit to your veterinarians Ellicott City, MD can help identify the underlying cause so the appropriate treatment can be given.

Monday 3 September 2018

Looking for a Pet Sitter for your Bird

Traveling? In need of a pet sitter? Here are a few things to keep in mind when searching for the right person to take care of your bird. First, give your vet a call and ask for references for local pet sitters. You can enjoy time away knowing your bird is being looked after by a knowledgeable pet sitter. Some vet techs offer these services so check with your vet staff first. When looking for a pet sitter, make sure you ask for someone with pet sitting or owning experience and particularly bird experience.  Ask for references and call them! Ask for professional references such as school references, a reference from their boss, etc. This will give you an idea of the person’s work ethic. Ask the potential sitter to visit you and the bird several times before you travel. Talk with your vet clinic Ellicott City, MD for more tips.

Thursday 19 July 2018

Bark Control Collars

Bark control collars are designed to reduce barking in dogs. However, these collars have no effect on the underlying cause of the behavior. Thus, there is still a need for pet owners to identify what is causing their dogs’ persistent or excessive barking. The most common bark control collars include spray collars, ultrasonic collars, and shock collars.
Spray collars
Spray collars are designed to release some citronella in response to a dog’s barking. Catching a whiff of citronella can interrupt and discourage a dog from barking. However, spray collars don’t respond to high-pitched barks, thus they are not fool-proof answers to barking problems in dogs. It is not advisable to let your dog wear a spray collar when around other dogs because the bark of another dog may trigger the collar to release citronella.
Shock collars
Barking triggers a shock collar to give the dog a mild electrical shock. This is often considered the least humane of all bite control collars.
Ultrasonic collars
Ultrasonic collars are designed to interrupt a dog’s bark with an ultra-high frequency sound that only dogs can hear.
Know more about your pet's needs during your pet’s next visit to your Ellicott City, MD veterinary clinic.

Monday 9 April 2018

Why your bird needs time outside of her enclosure

Your feathery friend appreciates all you do for her and she knows that you likely spent a long time choosing her cage for her. However, she will still desire and need time outside of this space. Why is this?

Take the time to consider what life is like within a small area like a bird cage. It may be a nice space, but it is still very limited. This means that your pet will need to get out for a while in order to enjoy the open areas she can safely have access to. She can do different things in these spaces and she will be able to get some exercise while enjoying some time interacting with you. This also gives her a change of scenery, which can offer her some mental stimulation as well. For more information, please contact your local veterinary clinic Ellicott City, MD.