Mites are a kind of parasite that easily spreads between hedgehogs. Mites look like ticks or spiders but are smaller and have a reddish color. A hedgehog that has a mite infestation can suffer from irritation of the skin and also hair and spine loss, affecting the animal’s quills. And since mites are so small, it is possible that you may not see them, but they do leave their mark on your pet. Spine shedding is a natural process undergone by hedgehogs, but if you see spots devoid of hair and spines, this is far from normal and might be brought about by mites. Some other possible signs that there could be an infestation of mites include low energy, weight loss, and constant scratching, biting, licking, or chewing at any body part or just all over. Skin flaking off or dandruff can also be an indicator.
Your vet Middletown, DE will take a hair and skin sample and then examine them with a microscope. Even though the test might not have one hundred percent accuracy, mites can be easily detected if the infestation is heavy.