Showing posts with label animal hospital norwalk ca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal hospital norwalk ca. Show all posts

Friday 8 July 2022

Benefits of Adopting a Senior Pet


Adopting a senior pet may prove to be just as rewarding as adopting his younger counterpart. An older dog from an animal shelter or rescue group gives you the advantage of knowing his medical history, personality, his preferences, general health condition, etc.  You can already see his full-grown size so you know what to expect in terms of grooming or feeding requirements. 

Here are more reasons to consider adopting a full-grown dog:

  • Calmer and more relaxed pet – At this stage, your dog will have gone past his stage of exploring, teething, etc. You can have a sense of your older dog’s temperament because their ways are already set at this time, so you know right away if his personality fits your or your family’s. 

  • Less supervision needed – Your senior dog will just relish your company and will be happy to stay or nap at your feet, content and not craving constant attention. 

Your senior pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Norwalk, CA

Friday 24 June 2022

What Are The Basic Considerations When Hand-Rearing Kittens?


Caring for kittens comes with a huge responsibility. You have to be ready not only financially, but most especially physically and emotionally. You must be equipped with proper information so you can do the job well. 

Depending on the case of your kittens, you may need to hand-rear them. Hand-rearing is applicable when the mother cat cannot do her role in taking care of her kittens. But you must understand numerous elements to consider in implementing this procedure. Here are some of the things you need to provide the kittens with:

  • Necessary warm and tidy living environment
  • Hygienic and beneficial feeding regimen
  • Ample attention to toilet practices (defecation and urination)
  • Attention to their overall health and well-being

The kittens that undergo hand-rearing may face several problems, including chilling, starvation, and dehydration. These conditions may lead to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar when not given proper and urgent medical attention. Remember that kittens are weak and sensitive at this point in their lives.

If you decide to be the carer of the kittens, ensure that you have the time for them and willingness to make sacrifices to help the young cats thrive and survive.

Your veterinarian Norwalk, CA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being.

Tuesday 5 April 2022

Do The Water And Food Bowls I Use For My Dog Matter?

You might be tempted to use leftover takeout containers for your pet’s water bowl, but do invest in safe pet-friendly bowls, particularly if your dog is still a puppy. Avoid cheap plastic because it breaks easily and could be dangerous if swallowed.  Selecting the ideal bowl that your pet will use is a lot more than just choosing a color.  Design, functionality, and construction material are important factors.

A ceramic bowl 

Bowls made of ceramic material are heavy.  They are quite stable when compared to stainless steel or plastic bowls, but avoid dropping this kind of bowl.  Should your pets often tip their bowl over or have difficulty keeping themselves still, then these ceramic-type bowls might work out for you.  Choose glazed ceramic food bowls because unglazed ones are highly porous, so you would have to scrub regularly to clean off any bad bacteria.

A plastic bowl 

Plastic bowls typically offer an option at a lower cost when compared to stainless steel or ceramic bowls.  Top-quality plastic can be sturdy and durable but could be challenging to maintain cleanliness because these bowls can scratch from everyday wear and use.  These scratches can then serve as breeding grounds for bad bacteria.  Should your pet still be a relatively young puppy, avoid plastic-type bowls because they will tend to chew on the plastic material.

A stainless steel bowl

Bowls made of stainless steel have been called the “veterinarian’s favorite” because they are quite simple to disinfect and clean.  These bowls are quite durable, sturdy, and very safe for teething puppies to use.

A sudden change in your pet's appetite and/or drinking habits should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Norwalk, CA

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Excessive Hair Shedding In Cats

Pet owners know what is normal for their pets and what is not. If you suspect that your cat is losing an unusual amount of fur, take precautionary measures in case your cat exhibits other signs as there may be a bigger underlying cause.

Constant itching, an increase in hairballs, and over-grooming are just some of the things that you have to look out for. If your cat is suffering from hair loss and if there are also sore patches, then you have to take note of that. If you notice that there is a change in your cat's health and is displaying a sign of illness like appetite and energy level change, then you should seek immediate medical care.

If you notice any signs of infection, parasites, and other skin and hair coat problems, it is a good idea to make an appointment with your veterinary hospital Norwalk, CA so your pet can undergo a thorough checkup. Schedule an appointment today!

Excessive Hair Shedding In Cats

Pet owners know what is normal for their pets and what is not. If you suspect that your cat is losing an unusual amount of fur, take precautionary measures in case your cat exhibits other signs as there may be a bigger underlying cause.

Constant itching, an increase in hairballs, and over-grooming are just some of the things that you have to look out for. If your cat is suffering from hair loss and if there are also sore patches, then you have to take note of that. If you notice that there is a change in your cat's health and is displaying a sign of illness like appetite and energy level change, then you should seek immediate medical care.

If you notice any signs of infection, parasites, and other skin and hair coat problems, it is a good idea to make an appointment with your veterinary hospital Norwalk, CA so your pet can undergo a thorough checkup. Schedule an appointment today!

Thursday 27 May 2021

Acetaminophen Toxicity In Cats

animal hospital Norwalk, CA

A veterinarian might recommend small dosages of animal medication available over the pharmacy counter, with the animal’s weight always considered as to the proper dosage.  Cat owners must never self-diagnose their pets, much less treat them with medication intended for humans.  All household medications have to be placed out of your pet cat’s reach so you must take precautions, else, harmful or even possibly fatal reactions can befall your cat.

One of the most widely used pain medications is acetaminophen.  It is available over the pharmacy counter in various medications.  A toxic level could be achieved if your pet unintentionally gets overmedicated with the drug, or if your pet somehow acquires the medication and ingests it.  Cat owners often just do not notice their pets breaking into the medicine cabinet or perhaps chew through bottles containing the drug.  It is essential that you recognize toxicity symptoms to correctly treat your cat in case accidental medication ingestion happens.

If your pet has consumed any type of human medication, contact your animal hospital Norwalk, CA so you can be instructed on what to do. 

Saturday 24 April 2021

Keep These In Mind When Looking For Dog Accessories

animal hospital Norwalk CA

If you want to upgrade or add more to stuff for your dog’s use, you need to factor in some things.  The first thing to think about is the cost. Although you care about your pet, make sure that you won’t go into debt from buying all the accessories.

The next factor is the simplicity of the design. You want your pet to use the accessories, not be uncomfortable with them.

Make sure that the harness you get for your dog fits perfectly. Put your two fingers inside the strap to check. If it is too loose, your pet could get away. But if the harness to too tight, the dog might not be able to breathe properly or get the ribs broken.

You should also check your pet's behavior and type to make sure that it will not react strongly to any accessories. Know what triggers your pet's allergens so you will not purchase them.

Finally, choose materials that can easily break apart and can be cleaned properly. Use mild soap when cleaning. Accessories should be cleaned to avoid infections. Choose accessories that offer protection to your pet. It should be visible even at night. Also, accessories should not cause choking. 

Any sign of illness should prompt a visit to your animal hospital Norwalk, CA.

Friday 5 February 2021

Does Your Dog Think He Is The Boss?


A dog is a dominant animal, so if he is without an alpha to look up to, your pet dog might take the lead and will act as he is the boss in the pack. A dog becomes overconfident and bold as he is allowed to lead a pack. He tends to do his own thing and does not listen to commands. Male dogs assume leadership, although female ones can also take charge.

Here are ways to establish leadership over your dog:

· Establish rules. This is the primary thing you need to resolve a dog’s bossy problems. Also, make sure that all other members of the house follow these rules.

· Consistency. It is important to be consistent when you establish the rules for your pet dog. If he wants to lie down on furniture, then you must insist that he stays on the floor, or sleeps on his bed and not on your bed.

· Structure and Obedience Training. A structure is what a dominant dog needs and can be only accomplished by obedience training. He must understand and realize that he is not tolerated to do as he likes. You must be able to connect on a certain level wherein he must follow you.

· Feed your dog after all of the family members have eaten. In the dog’s wild habitat, the other members cannot eat unless the dominant dog eats first.

If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, make an appointment with your animal hospital Norwalk, CA.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Take Water on a Walk with your Dog

Now that the weather is warming up it will be important to remember to take water with you when you walk your dog. It may be a good idea to take a backpack with a few necessities including water for you, water for your dog, an outdoor water bowl and even some snacks. Whether you go for a short walk or a long walk if it’s hot outside be sure to pack water. Other supplies to include may be first aid supplies for yourself and your dog especially if you plan on going on a hike or trail. Band-Aids, bandages and gauze are the basic suggestions along with a small pair of scissors and a few alcohol swabs. Make a point to stop your walk half way through and take a water break. Rest for a bit if needed. You should sit in the shade to cool off or let your dog go for a swim if possible. For more tips, call your veterinarian Norwalk CA .

Thursday 7 March 2019

How Long Does A Dog Sleep Each Day?

Did you know that puppies and senior dogs can sleep up to 16-18 hours a day? Puppies need all the energy they can get to meet the demands for growth and development, while senior pets are slowing down and suffering from age-related issues, like arthritis or joint pains. Another important reason why dogs seem contented to sleep all day is the lifestyle that they have as pets. With their basic needs provided to them, they don’t have much else to do. They don’t need to be always active or on guard for potential predators, find mates, walk far and wide to hunt for prey, etc. When neutered, their drive to reproduce is gone. Thus, there is a need to provide lots of opportunities for physical and mental stimulation.

Since there are also health issues that may be the underlying cause of your pet’s behavior, it is recommended that you bring your pet to your animal hospital Norwalk, CA for a checkup.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Your Finicky Cat

It can be frustrating if your cat is a finicky eater but with experimentation, you can figure out what she’ll eat. She may have a preference about wet meat or dry cat food and refuse to eat the wrong one. Limit her treats since she will resist eating her nutritionally complete cat food if she has yummy treats all day. Feed your cat several small meals throughout the day. Remove the food after about 15 minutes even if she hasn’t finished it to encourage her to eat when food is served. Don’t leave meat out too long or it could start going bad and taste weird. Your cat may be sensitive to temperature so consider warming up food that has been in the refrigerator. Be patient and keep working at it. And make sure you rule out medical issues that could cause her to be a finicky eater. Learn more from your veterinary clinic Norwalk, GA.

Sunday 23 September 2018

Why Long-Haired Cats Need A De-Shedding Tool

A de-shedding tool helps facilitate the easy removal of loose hairs from the undercoat. This is an important tool that can help prevent mats and tangles especially in cats with dense hair coats. Regular removal of loose hairs can prevent them from forming mats and tangles, as well as prevent hairball formation when ingested. It has also be shown to have a positive effect on the health and wellbeing of Himalayan and Persian cats.
Although a de-shedding tool does not cut healthy hairs, it should only be used at least once a week because it can be quite uncomfortable for cats. The tool will come in handy during periods of heavy shedding such as during spring and summer. Many people think that a de-shedding tool can help thin out a thick hair coat; but this is NOT TRUE. It does not remove any hair that is still attached to the hair follicle.

Consult your veterinary Norwalk, CA if you have any concerns or questions about your pet’s grooming needs.

Thursday 30 August 2018

Bloat in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

 Bloat is a dangerous disease that affects a variety of dog breeds. It can come on quickly and cause damage in a matter of moments. Common signs of bloat include difficulty breathing, expanded abdomen, hunched back appearance indicating pain, lethargy, and eventual collapse. These symptoms are caused because bloat occurs when gas, food or fluid is trapped in the stomach and begins to expand. It expands the stomach so much that the lining perforates or it pushes on the surrounding organs stopping blood flow and even causing the stomach to twist. It often happens after the dog eats too quickly or drinks to quickly after strenuous exercise or activity. It is also known to occur in deep chested dog breeds like the Rottweiler and Boxer. For more information about bloat and how it may affect your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, contact your veterinarian Norwalk CA.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Tips To Correct Potty Accidents In Pet Rabbits

Pet rabbits can be potty-trained but they can also commit potty accidents every now and then. Pet owners should always bear in mind that punishment has no place in pet training and will never help them attain desired results. Being a behavioral problem, owners need to be patient when dealing with the issue to eventually achieve favorable results.
Correcting potty problems in rabbits is similar to that in dogs. In order to address the issue, you have to catch your pet in the act. Pick him up gently and take him to the litter box immediately if you see him eliminating. However, if you had just come across the evidence, the best thing to do is to clean it up thoroughly so there will be no stains and residual scents.
When litter training pet rabbits, make frequent trips to the litter box every 10 minutes or so.
Bring your pet rabbit to your veterinarians Norwalk, CA for regular wellness checks. For more details visit Ashton Animal Hospital.